>Dorothy Iannone, Immaculate, 1961.Drawing, felt pen on paper, 74 x 104 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Table, 1965-1966.Object, felt pen and acrylic on wood, 72 cm, ø 81 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, People, 1966-1967.Sculpture, 36 x 21 x 1,2 cm (each).
>Dorothy Iannone, All, 1967.Painting, oil on canvas, 184,5 x 245 cm.
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>Dorothy Iannone, Mother and Child, 1967.Drawing, felt pen on cardboard.
>Dorothy Iannone, First Print, 1967.Print, silkscreen on paper, sign and numbered edition , 69.5 × 100 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Calendar page with drawings and collage, 1968.Collage.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dialogues X , 1968-1969.Drawing, 37x34,5x1,2cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Lists IV : A Much More Detailed Than Requested Reconstruction, 1968.Artist Book, edition of 30, 21 x 26 x 10 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Woman in a Beautiful Armchair , 1969.Drawing, felt pen on cardboard.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Cookbook, 1969.Artist Book, felt pen on bristol board, 62 pages and cover, unique, . 30 x 25 x 3,5 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Ten Scenes, 1969.Print, silkscreen on paper, sign and numbered edition, 36/100 + 1 , 75 x 100,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Black Dick, 1969.Print, silkscreen on paper. published by galerie wilbrand, cologne, 82 x 66 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, I Love To Beat You, 1969-1970.Painting, crylic on linen mounted on canvas, 190 x 150 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Story of Bern, [or] Showing Colors, 1970.Artist Book, ink on paper, 23 x 22 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, I Begin to Feel Free, 1970.Painting, collage and acrylic on canvas, 190 x 150 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Ich liebe es dich zu schlagen, 1970.Drawing, felt pen on cardboard.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Story Of Bern (Or) Showing Colors, 1970.Other, set of 69 drawings, felt pen on cardboard, 23 x 22 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Next Great Moment In History Is Ours, 1970.Print, silkscreen on paper, numbered edition, 7/100 , 73 x 102 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Untitled, 1970.Other, felt tip pen and ink on heavy cardboard, 82 x 66,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Your Names Are Love Father God, 1970-1971.Collage, collage and acrylic on canvas, 190,0 x 150,0 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Let Me Squeeze Your Fat Cunt, 1970-1971.Collage, collage and acrylic on canvas, 190,0 x 150,0 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Extase (De Dorothy Iannone, Illustré Par Une Chanson De Robert Filliou), 1970.Artist Book, felt pen on bristol board, 62 pages, 36,8 x 32,2 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Lions For Dieter Rot The Present Lion Master, 1971.Other, etching on paper, numbered edition, 47/50 , 86 x 95 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Untitled (Iceland), 1972.Drawing.
>Dorothy Iannone, Human Liberation, 1972.Print, silkscreen on paper, numbered edition, 115/125, 56 x 73 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Aua Aua, 1972-2005.Sculpture, acrylic on wood, monitor,16 mm film from 1972 converted to dvd video 2.40 min, looped, 192 x 140 x 60 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Roulette Table, Love Is My Inspiration, 1972-2020.Object, acrylic and marker on wood, roulette wheel, cloth and handmade chips from alfred dunhill, with integrated cassette player, 92,5 x 215 x 134,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Olympic Box, 1972.Object, four painted wooden panels, one with an oval saw opening, as well as fabric stretched on the frame and leather handle, 58,5 x 34 x 30cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Singing Box, 1972.Other, felt pen on wood with cassette and integrated player, 52 x 34 x 26 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dinner Music, 1972.Other, felt pen and ink on wood. audio transferred to cd, 57 x 37 x 28 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Giant people (Marianna Filliou), 1972-2020.Sculpture, acrylic and india ink on wood, 181 x 22,6 x 122,4 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Giant people (Jan Vos), 1972-2020.Sculpture, acrylic and india ink on wood.
>Dorothy Iannone, Giant people (Dorothy Iannone), 1972-2020.Sculpture, acrylic and india ink on wood, 171 x 23,2 x 136 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Giant People (Robert Filliou), 1972-2020.Sculpture, acrylic and india ink on wood, 181 x 22,6 x 122,4 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Danger In Düsseldorf (or) I Am Not What I Seem, 1973.Artist Book, 40 pages + cover, unpaginated, signed, numbered, edition hansjörg mayer, stuttgart/london/reykjavik, 51/200 , 24,5 x 17,6 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Merlin And The Lady Vivian, 1973.Print, silkscreen on paper, 59,5 x 74,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Flora and Fauna, 1973.Print, screen print on paper, signed and numbered hc iv/v published by günter pooch, düsseldorf, 59,5 x 72,5 cm, signed, numbered edition, 30. Published by Günter Pooch, Düsseldorf..
>Dorothy Iannone, I Am Not What I Seem (or) Danger in Düsseldorf, 1973.Print, silk screen print on paper, 50 x 120 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Peacock, 1974.Drawing, felt pen on bristol board, laminated, 37,5 x 35 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Stool, 1974.Drawing, felt pen on bristol board, laminated, 37,5 x 35 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Armchair, 1975.Object, lacquer paint on wood, foam rubber and leather upholstery, 140 x 70,5 x 58 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, I Was Thinking Of You , 1975.Print, silkscreen, 64x35 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, I Was Thinking Of You, 1975.Mixed Media, acrylic on wood, monitor, video converted to dvd video 5 min, looped, 233 x 173,5 x 54 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Stool, 1975.Sculpture, enamel on wood, leather cushion, feathers, 90 cm Diamètre : 120 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Follow me , 1977.Artist Book, artist book, leporello published by berlin artists program (daad), berlin.
>Dorothy Iannone, Speaking to Each Other, With Mary Harding, 1977.Mixed Media, clothbound fold out book, 65 pages of handwritten text by harding and iannone (english and german), 2 audio tapes, numbered edition 48/200 , 22 x 22 x 3,5 cm, audio 2 x 30 min.
>Dorothy Iannone, Notes For An Autobiography, 1977.Drawing, 15 drawings, ink on bristol board, each 40 x 30 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Follow me, 1977.Other, ink, acrylic on wood, monitor, video converted to dvd, 185,5 x 382 x 65,5 cm (open).
>Dorothy Iannone, Follow me, 1977.Other, gouache on paper, silver print photograph , 25 x 20 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Berlin Beauties Or You Have No Idea How Beautiful You Are, Berlin, 1978.Artist Book, 69 pages + cover, 20.5 x 24.5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Fluxus Essay and an Audacious Announcement, 1979.Mixed Media, acrylic and ink on wood, audio cassette transferred to audio cd, cd player sound 14'23", looped, 88 x 60 x 25 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Die Peitsche / The Whip, 1980.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone and Her Mother Sarah Pucci, 1980.Artist Book, exhibition catalogue. hardback folder containing 6 booklets, 29,7 x 21 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Heroic Performance Of Pastor Erik Bock, 1980.Other, acrylic on wood, monitor, video converted to dvd video 62 min, looped, 205 x 140 x 59 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, For Albert And Roger, 1982.Object, gouache and acrylic on wood, signed, 57,5 x 75 x 34cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Welcome To My Art, 1983.Painting, framed gouache and ink on board mounted on wood, 100 x 84 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Darling Duck, 1983-1984.Drawing, quadriptych, felt pen and ink , Each part 55 x 55 cm. Combined 55 x 220 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, An Icelandic Saga (special edition), 1989.Print, hand-colored silkscreen print "à la lyonnaise" on fabric, special edition. published by edizioni francesco conz, verona., 170 x 400 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. Werke Von 1961-1966, 1989.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, An Icelandic Saga, 1989.Print, hand-colored silkscreen print "à la lyonnaise" on fabric, special edition, 170 x 400 cm.
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>Dorothy Iannone, Piano / A Story of Ajaxander, 1989.Installation, acrylic and ink, with integrated text: courting ajaxander , variable dimensions.
>Dorothy Iannone, For Roger, 1992-1993.Object, collages, marouflages, paint and ink on 36 cards inscribed on both sides in a box, signed and dated , 3,3 x 11,5 x 14 .
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone And Her Friends Play the Ouija Board, 1992.Mixed Media, gouache op karton en plastic planchette, negen kleurenkopieën op karton, vier zwart-wit kopieën, 31.4 x 41.5 x 3 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Om Ah Hum, 1994.Drawing, gouache and acrylic on paper , 20,82 x 29,8 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, 75 Apologies - 75 Complementary Cards - 75 Uncomplimentary Cards, 1996.Mixed Media, wood, gouache on cardboard, inkjet print on cardboard, 4 parts: 1 part 14.5 x 64.5 x 2 cm, 3 parts, each 8.5 x 12 x 3.5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Love is Forver, Isn't It?, 1997.Poster, exhibition poster, paper, printed, ca. 42 x 53.
>Dorothy Iannone, Tara, 2001.Sculpture, 140 x 100.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter and Dorothy (Special Edition), 2002.Artist Book, one book 256 pages and one folding box 'icelanding saga' with 8 numbered and signed leporelli with silkscreen prints on bfk rives pape.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter Roth & Dorothy Iannone, 2005.Book, 28 cm x 22,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Seek The Extremes!, 2006.Book, 26,9 cm x 22,4 cm, 80 Pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Queen Of The Amazons And Achilles, 2007.Print, silkscreen on paper, 55,9 x 65,2 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Play it Again, 2007.Print, coloured screen print on paper, 55 x 65 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter and Dorothy, 2007.Print, silkscreen; ink on paper, 65 x 55 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, On the Continuing Journey, 2008-2022.Print, silkscreen print, 60 x 45 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Imperturbable (special edition), 2013.Other, lp folder with digital files of first recording/ lieber uecker (1969-1972) on 2 cd-roms, 31,5 x 31,5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, You Who Read Me With Passion Now Must Forever Be My Friends, 2014.Book, paper 7.25 × 9 in. 320 pages, 95 color and 210 bw.
>Dorothy Iannone, Censorship and the Irrepressible Drive Toward Love and Divinity, 2014.Artist Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. This Sweetness Outside of Time, 2014.Book, paperback, 205 colored and 55 black and white illustrations, 27 x 23 x 1.75 cm, 184 Pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dear Dieter, 2015.Mixed Media, vinyl + poster, 31x31cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, My Liberties (Blue), 2015-2019.Painting, acrylic on wall, 350 × 175 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, (Ta)Rot Pack based on 54 original drawings from 1968/69, 2016.Drawing, double-sided laser copies on card, based on 54 original drawings from 1968/69.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Fluxus Essay, 2016.Other, book and cd, 30 x 22cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Ewig Grün (vinyl), 2016.Other, vinyl lp, published by tochnit aleph, 31x31cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Put your mouth right here (please), 2016.Print, aquatint; ink on paper, 53.3 x 38 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dear give me everything, 2016.Print, aquatint; ink on paper, 53,3 x 38 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Pleased To Meet You: Dorothy Iannone, 2017.Periodical, 23 x 30cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Cookbook (drawing of the cover), 2017.Drawing, framed dyptich, gouache and india ink on carboard, 37 x 56,2 x 3,4 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Stars and Stripes, 2017.Sculpture, gouache, india ink and felt pen on paper, wood, 48,5 x 23,7 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone: Eros Paintings, 2019.Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, All Our Strength and All Our Sweetness, 2019.Painting, acrylic (liquitex), graphite and india ink on wood, 180 x 143 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, A Thousand and One Songs for Erik Bock, 2019.Other, cardboard box, loosely inserted colour photo in glued on photo corners, 9 offset prints incl. index sheet with credits, 2 cd’s fixed on inner side of lid, postcard, 43x31x2,5.
>Dorothy Iannone, Give Me Your Tired Your Poor Your Huddled Masses, 2019.Painting, acrylic on wall.
>Dorothy Iannone, The Statue of Liberty, 2019.Painting, acrylic on wall + sound, 350 x 180 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Lady Liberty, 2019.Drawing, gouache on arches paper , 89 x 69 x 5 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Lord liberty, 2019.Drawing, gouache on arches paper , 42 x 30 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone & Juliette Blightman: (TA)ROT TAROT, 2021.Book, 136 pages.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dorothy Iannone. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2022.Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Majestic Chair, 2022.Other, mdf valchromat, acrylic paint,hand tufted rug in wool and cotton, 42 x 94 x 58cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Follow me.Audio and visual equipment, 4 audio cassettes .
>Dorothy Iannone, Correspondence with Sarah Pucci .Postcard.
>Dorothy Iannone, John Giorno, Rose in The Paris Review, Issue 42, Winter-Spring 1968 .Periodical.
>Dorothy Iannone, Movie People, 2009-2014.Series, gouache and acrylic on paper on wood, dimensions variable.
>Dorothy Iannone, Courting Ajaxander .Artist Book, slip case: 18,6 x 12,1x 3,2 cm; book: 18 x 12 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, A catalogue raisonné of editions and books (1964-2013).Book.
>Dorothy Iannone, Dieter Roth, Sarah Pucci, The Art of Sarah Pucci 1959-1993.Artist Book, 25 x 30 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, West Coast Studio, 1960s.Painting, oil on canvas, 71,5 x 81,5 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, For Emmett.Drawing, 4 x (29,7 x 21 cm).
>Dorothy Iannone, Polaroids, 1960s.Photography, felt pen on polaroid , Polaroid 8,5 x 10,7 cm .
>Dorothy Iannone, Come Again to my little Kitchen.Drawing, gouache on paper, 70,3 x 100,5.
>Dorothy Iannone, Sculpture Sièges.Other, paper.
>Dorothy Iannone, Bei Gerstner (Dialogues II).Drawing.
>Dorothy Iannone, Patricia Welles - Leo on the Ascendant.Drawing, india ink and felt pen on cardboard, some collaged.
>Dorothy Iannone, (Ta)Rot Pack, 1968-69/2009 .Other, cardboard box containing 27 laminated 4-color cards, box: 12,9 x 9,8 x 1,6 cm, cards: 12,7 x 9,6 cm.
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>Dorothy Iannone, Correspondence with Dieter Roth.Postcard.
>Dorothy Iannone, First Recording / Lieber Uecker, 1969-72/ 1993 .Audio and visual equipment, audio cassette, six different inserts, edition of 80 , 10,8 x 7 x 1,6 cm, 90' .
> Exposition: Dorothy Iannone — Love Is Forever, Isn’t It?. 05 October 2023 - 21 January 2024.
> Exposition: Museum in Motion. 16 September 2022 - 08 January 2023.
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> Exposition: Museum in Motion - Dorothy Iannone. 16 September 2022 - 08 January 2023.
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> Ensemble: AUDIO WORKS.
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> Ensemble: BOOKS.
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> Ensemble: EARLY YEARS.
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> Ensemble: I'M STILL GAME.
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> Ensemble: OM AH HUM.
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> Ensemble: Permanent Collection / Fluxus.
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> Ensemble: THE CROWD.
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> Ensemble: THE LOVERS.