Apparently, artists are tantric when they are making their art. Om Ah Hum is probably coming from the Buddhist mantra. Some years ago, Dorothy experienced a period when her body appeared reluctant to cooperate with her mind. She contemplated the idea of learning a meditative technique to overcome these challenges. However, she decided that if she was going to embark on such a journey, she should seek guidance directly from the source. In the late 50s, Dorothy had read Alexandra David-Neel's 'Magic and Mystery in Tibet', which left a profound impact on her. After some years of searching for answers, Dorothy felt a profound connection to Tibetan Buddhism, she felt entirely at home, knowing that this spiritual path was where she should cultivate her artistic garden.
>Dorothy Iannone, Darling Duck, 1983-1984.Drawing, quadriptych, felt pen and ink , Each part 55 x 55 cm. Combined 55 x 220 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Om Ah Hum, 1994.Drawing, gouache and acrylic on paper , 20,82 x 29,8 cm.
>Dorothy Iannone, Tara, 2001.Sculpture, 140 x 100.
>Dorothy Iannone, On the Continuing Journey, 2008-2022.Print, silkscreen print, 60 x 45 cm.