> Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков.
> Nikita Kadan / Нікіта Кадан.
Nikita Kadan is a Ukrainian visual artist who is confronted with how he as an artist must form his own socio
> Alevtina Kakhidze / Алевтина Кахідзе.
Sans photo
> Oksana Shachko / Оксана Шачко.
Sans photo
> Anna Zvyagintseva / Анна Звягінцева.
Sans photo
> Lesia Khomenko / Леся Хоменко.
Lesia Khomenko: pixelation and dehumanisation
Lesia Khomenko (1980, Kyiv) graduated from the National Aca
> Nikolay Karabinovych.
Nikolay Karabinovych (1988, Odessa) lives and works in Brussels and Kyiv. The artist works in various media, including video, sound, text and perform