BOZAR, Brussel
06 May 2022 - 19 June 2022
Anna Zvyagintseva / Анна Звягінцева, The Cage / Клітка, 2010. Installation, textile, metal.
Alevtina Kakhidze / Алевтина Кахідзе, All Times News / Новини всіх часів, 2015. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions .
Anna Zvyagintseva / Анна Звягінцева, Unities / Єдності, 2012. Installation, sound installation, mixed media, ed 1/ 3, 21 x 30 x 25 cm.
Nikolay Karabinovych, Imagine Ukraine / Уяви Україну, 2022. Digital image.
Pas de description.
Imagine Ukraine est un projet ambitieux qui aspire à tendre la main au-delà des urgences immédiates, si pressantes soient-elles, et ouvrir la
Imagine Ukraine is an ambitious project that aims to reach out beyond the immediate urgencies, however pressing those continue to be. It want