> Zonder titel / Untitled, 1970. Photography, manipulated photo on paper.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret / Self-portrait, 1970. Photography, manipulated photo on paper.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret / Self-portrait, 1970. Photography, manipulated photo on paper.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret / Self-portrait, 1970. Photography, manipulated photo on paper.
> Hugo Roelandt, Een dag in het leven van een ster / A Day in the Life of a Star, 1971. Video, 16 mm film, 00:12:01.
> Hugo Roelandt, Blue Movie, 1973. Audio and visual equipment, digitalised 16mm film, 1'04.
> Hugo Roelandt, Kiek - Vicious Kabaret, 1974. Photography, photo; ink on paper, 52 x 39.5 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Stilleven / Still life, 1974. Mixed Media, paint on cardbord, photo;ink on paper, 22.5 x 29.5 cm, 30 x 38 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Drie Lady's / Three Ladies , 1974-1993. Photography, coloured photo.
> Hugo Roelandt, Fotowerken / Performance Projekt - Photo Works / Performance Project, 1974. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret met tekst, 1974. Photography, 27 x 23 cm .
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret in travestie / Self-portrait in Drag , 1974. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Geprojecteerde gevoelens tegenover iets of iemand / Projected Feelings Toward Something or Somebody , 1974. Photography, dia-projection .
> Hugo Roelandt, Painting a still life, 1975. Video, 16 mm film, 00:24:20.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1975-2017. Photography, mixed media, 93.6 x 116.6 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1975. Photography, photo; ink on paper, 117.6 x 82,9 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, 1975-2023. Photography, mixed media, 152 x 102 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Naaktportretten / Nude Portraits, 1976. Photography, ink, paper.
> Hugo Roelandt, Onderzoek omtrent het actuele esthetische ideaal / Research about the Actual Estheatic Ideal, 1976. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Wit Zwart, fotoserie / photo series, 1977. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, schoenen in plaaster / Untitled, Shoes in Plaster (Solo-Performance Stadtarchiv Kassel), 1977. Object, cardboard, plaster, shoes, 2 x (28.5 x 39 cm).
> Hugo Roelandt, De 4 seizoenen / The 4 Seasons, 1977. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Hugo Roelandt: Solo-Performance, 1977. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Als u precies doet wat wij zeggen (of niet zo precies) dan maakt u zelf het stuk / If you do exactly (or not exactly) what we tell you to do, you create your own performance, 1978. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Kaaitheaterperformance / Kaaitheater Performance, 1979. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Affiches van Post Performance Project 1 / Posters of Post Performance Project 1, 1980. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Paul Geladi, Wit Zwart / White Black , 1980. Video, u-matic, 00:10:00.
> Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 1, 1980. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 2(B), 1980. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Post Performance Project 3, 1981. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Auto Matic Art Project, 1983. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Aeromatic Art Project 1, 1983. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Aigua Bellugada / De vorm van water / The Shape of Water, 1985. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Auto Mobile Tergicristallo, 1985. Performance.
> Marc Holthof, Greet Verlinden, Hugo Roelandt, Circulatie / Circulation, 1985. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Boelproject / Boel Project, 1985. Performance.
> Hugo Roelandt, Pavimenti, 1987. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret met monitor/ Self-portraits with monitor, 1990. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, Cactus, 1992-2016. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Variaties van wit, 1992. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, foto's op aluminium gebaseerd op ingekleurde zelfportretten uit de vroege jaren 1970 / Untitled, photos on aluminum based on tinted self-portraits from the early 1970's, 1993. Photography, photo on aluminum.
> Hugo Roelandt, Lichtsculptuur / Light Sculpture, 1993. Object, green fluorescent tubes.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, onderdeel van Nuances van Wit / Untitled, part of Nuances of White, 1993. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Colourframe / Nuances van Wit / Variaties van Wit , 1993. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Self-portrait / Zelfportret, 1993. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zelfportret met witte neus / Self-Portrait with White Nose, 1993. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, CONCORDIA DISCORS, 1994. Mixed Media.
> Hugo Roelandt, Lichtsculptuur (blauw) / Light Sculpture (Blue), 1996. Series, blue neon.
> Hugo Roelandt, Light Sculpture / Lichtsculptuur , 1996. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, roze neon / Untitled, pink neon, 1996. Object, neon.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel, vier neons in goudgeel en citroengeel / Untitled, four golden and citrus yellow neons, 1996. Object, neon.
> Hugo Roelandt film by Jess De Gruyter, 2022. Film, film, 44'07''.
> Hugo Roelandt, Digitaal zelfportret Red Green Blue / Digital Self-Portrait Red Green Blue. Series.
> Hugo Roelandt, Zonder titel / Untitled, plaasteren buste / plaster bust . Object.