M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

Tentoonstelling: Collectiepresentatie XXXIII – Het karakter van een collectie

M HKA, Antwerpen

07 June 2013 - 22 September 2013

©image: M HKA

Het karakter van een collectie heeft de toenmalige prioriteiten van de M HKA-collectie weergegeven: de evaluatie van de avant-gardetraditie van Antwerpen; de verkenning van de nieuwe wereldorde met meerdere kernen; de discussie over de toenmalige aard van beelden; de articulatie van het belang van het performatieve karakter en het sociaal-geëngageerde in hedendaagse kunst. 

Het karakter van een collectie was een manier om onze verzameling te herbekijken na 25 jaar van spontane creativiteit: visies verwoord door krachtige persoonlijkheden, kansen die zich aandienden, beperkingen die inspireerden tot innovatieve oplossingen.

De sleutel tot die karakterschets van onze collectie was het ensemble: een coherente groep van werken die, zowel in kwantitatief als in kwalitatief opzicht, belangwekkend genoeg was om te worden gezien als meer dan een aantal werken of series van werken.

Deze tentoonstelling en het begeleidende boek presenteerden een twintigtal ensembles die ons hielpen om de collectie van het M HKA te begrijpen. Er hoorden ensembles bij met werk van prominente Vlaamse kunstenaars zoals Vaast Colson, Luc Deleu, Jan Fabre, Toon Tersas, Luc Tuymans en Panamarenko. M HKA heeft ook belangrijke ensembles van kunstenaars uit andere delen van de wereld, onder anderen James Lee Byars, Jimmie Durham, C.K. Rajan en een aantal kunstenaars uit de vroegere Sovjet-Unie, India, China en Noord-Afrika. Er zijn daarnaast andersoortige ensembles, zoals de Vrielynck Collectie, met voorwerpen uit de voorgeschiedenis van de cinema, alsook het archief uit de jaren 1970 van het Internationaal Cultureel Centrum (ICC) in Antwerpen.

Verberg deze beschrijving


>Luc Tuymans, 'Polaroids', 1977 - 2007 (detail)

>Jan De Vree is afdelingsverantwoordelijke van Collectie en Archivering in het M HKA. Hij vertelt ons meer over de geschiedenis van de collectie, over het collectiebeleid ... Click hier om verder te lezen!

>Een blik achter de schermen: M HKA in voorbereiding van 'Het karakter van een collectie', 2013 Guillaume Bijl, Mon Chalet, 1987

>Een blik achter de schermen: M HKA in voorbereiding van 'Het karakter van een collectie', 2013 Mark Manders, 'Fragment uit zelfportret als gebouw', 1993

> Daniel Spoerri, Auto-Theatre, 1959-2012. Assemblage, variable dimensions.

> Guy Mees, Espace Perdu [Lost space], 1964. Sculpture, neon, lace, 124 x 136 x 51 cm.

> Toon Tersas, Muurkrant, fragmenten uit 'Tagebuch einer zorniger Zeitkritik', 1966 - 1967 [Wall Newspaper, fragments from 'Diary of an Angry Critique of the Time', 1966 - 1967], 1966-1967. Collage, ink, paper, variable dimensions.

> Alain Arias-Misson, Vietnam Public Poem, Brussels, 1967, 1967-2011. Mixed Media, 36 x 70.5 x 2.5 cm.

> Robert Filliou, Hand Show, 1967. Print.

> Panamarenko, Prova Car, 1967. Object, tin, cellophane, 95 x 200 x 290 cm.

> Toon Tersas, Portretten uit de Koude Oorlog [Portraits from the Cold War], 1968. Print, ink, paper, 5 x (700 x 560 mm).

> Robert Filliou, Projet de toilettes pour le Musée de Mönchengladbach, 1969. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions .

> Guy Mees, Portretten [Portraits], 1969. Film, 16 mm film, b/w, sound, 00:03:00.

> Luc Deleu, Le PAQUEBOT "FRANCE". Voorstel tot recycling van de SS "France" door ombouw tot ideeëntransportschip na de installatie aldaar van de Europa Medium Universiteit, 1970. Print, ink, laminated paper, 116 x 111 cm.

> Lawrence Weiner, A City Shored, 1970. Installation, adhesive letters, 20.8 x 140.3 cm.

> Lawrence Weiner, A City Dragged, 1970. Installation, adhesive letters, 20.8 x 140.3 cm.

> Guy Mees, Zonder titel (Trap) [Untitled (Stairs)], 1970. Film, 16mm film, 00:01:00.

> Maurizio Nannucci, This side is red, 1970. Installation, neon, 400 x 30 cm.

> Robert Filliou, Project for Sky-Writing (planche n°1), 1971. Print, ink, paper, silkscreen, 96.5 x 69 x 4.5 cm.

> Robert Filliou, 7 Childlike Uses of Warlike Material, 1971. Print, ink, paper, 7 x (49.5 x 69.5 cm).

> Jacques Lizène, Documents rapportés d’un voyage au coeur de la civilization banlieue, 1973, 74 et 75, 1973-1975. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.

> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Untitled (Drawings), 1974-1994. Drawing, mixed media on paper.

> Nicolás Uriburu, Project Coloration Bonaparte Dock Antwerp, 1974. Intervention, dia positives.

> Luc Deleu, SATURNUS V. Voorstel de bestaande raketten te gebruiken om (nucleair) afval naar de zon te schieten [Proposal to Use Existing Rockets for Shooting (Nuclear) Refuse to the Sun], 1975. Print, ink, paper, 115 x 98.5 cm.

> Hamlet Hovsepian, Yawning, 1975. Video, dvd, 16 mm film, 00:02:20 min.

> James Lee Byars, Extra Terrestrial (Shadow of an Extraterrestrial Man), 1976. Photography, ink, paper.

> Lili Dujourie, Stilleven [Still Life], 1976. Collage, collage on paper, 4 x ( 390 X 300 mm).

> James Lee Byars, Letter to Flor Bex (The Giant), 1976. Letter, inkt op gouden papier, 158 x 177 cm.

> Luc Deleu, MONTREAL STADIUM (MODEL) Voorstel voor naakte Olympische spelen,1976 te Montreal [Proposal for Naked Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976], 1976. Print, ink, paper, 114.5 x 99 cm.

> Paul De Vree, De Brandwonden [Burns], 1976. Drawing, paper, soot, ink.

> Hamlet Hovsepian, Untitled, 1976. Video, dvd, 00:05:00 min.

> Andrei Monastyrski , Lieblich, 1976. Video, 8 mm film, dvd, mpeg, 00:01:17 min.

> Robert Filliou, And So On, End So Soon. Done 3 Times, 1977-1997. Video, laserdisc, Total lasersisc: 3:12:00, And so on and so soon: 0:32:00.

> Robert Filliou, Telepathic Music N°7 - The Principle of Equivalence Carried to a Series, 1977-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:16:00.

> Robert Filliou, Porta Filliou, 1977-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:47:00.

> Gordon Matta-Clark, Office Baroque: photographic documentation, 1977. Photography.

> Luc Tuymans, Polaroids, 1977-2007. Photography.

> Jan Fabre, Window Performance, 1977. Photography, photo print, 63 x 93 cm.

> Vito Acconci, Tonight We Escape from New York, 1977. Collage, b/w photo, crayon, paper, plexi on black aluminium, 151 x 118 x 5 cm.

> Vyacheslav Akhunov, Leniniana by Vyacheslav Akhunov/ Лениниана Вячеслава Ахунова, 1977-1984. Collage, paper, 6 x (30 x 42 cm).

> Andrei Monastyrski , The Balloon, 1977. Video, 8 mm film, dvd, mpeg, 00:02:49 min.

> Luc Deleu, Legoconstructie [Lego Construction], 1978. Collage, cibachrome, 65.5 x 65.5 cm.

> Anna Bella Geiger, O Pão nosso de cada dia [Our Daily Bread], 1978-2006. Photography, 76 x 48 cm, 59 x 48 cm, 95 x 79 cm.

> Andrei Monastyrski , The Slogan, 1978. Video, 8 mm film, dvd, mpeg, 00:04:43 min.

> Robert Filliou, Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts Part II - Breakfasting Together, If You Wish, 1979-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:37:00.

> Robert Filliou, Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts Part II - Parts A to E, 1979-1997. Video, laserdisc, 0:30:00.

> Blazen en zuigen [Blowing and sucking], 1980-1982. Video.

> Jan Fabre, Zelfwurging [Self-strangulation], 1980-1982. Video.

> Jan Fabre, De zak, aka Struisvogel met sarmazak [The bag, aka Ostrich with sarma bag], 1980-1982. Video.

> ORLAN, L’étalon ORLAN-CORPS, remake de l’oeuvre exposée à l’ICC en 1980, 1980-2012. Object.

> Jan Fabre, 8mm Films, 1980-1982. Video.

> Allan McCollum, 100 Plaster Surrogates, 1982. Installation, oil, plaster, 218 x 950 x 5 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, Feu d'artifice [Fireworks], 1982. Video, videotape u-matic, kca 30, 00:26:43.

> K.P. Krishnakumar, Untitled, 1982. Drawing, (x25) variable dimensions.

> Sergey Maslov, Dream series / Cон (серия), 1982-2000. Painting, oil, canvas, 11 x (100 x 80 cm), 1 x (102 x 122 cm).

> Cindy Sherman, Untitled No 120 A, 1983. Photography, photo, paper, 55 x 89 cm.

> Cindy Sherman, Untitled No 121 A, 1983. Photography, photo, paper, 53.5 x 88.2 cm.

> Luc Deleu, Obelisk, 1983. Sculpture, lego, 226 x 91 x 91 cm.

> Jef Geys, De gevallen verwittiging [The Fallen Warning], 1985. Installation, steel, pigment powder, 400 x 700 x 200 cm.

> Toon Tersas, Oberreichskriegsanwalt [Senior Attorney in the War Office], 1985. Drawing, washed ink, paper, 65 x 50 cm.

> Toon Tersas, He was born in Hobita, 1985. Drawing, washed ink, 65 x 50 cm.

> Thomas Ruff, Zonder Titel (Portret van Frank Müller) [Untitled (Portrait of Frank Müller)], 1985. Collage, photograph, 210 x 167 x 4 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, Antichambre [Anteroom], 1985. Painting, oil, canvas, 70 x 80 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, La Correspondance [The Correspondence], 1985. Painting, oil on canvas, 140 x 100 cm.

> Guy Mees, Verloren ruimte [Lost space], 1985. Collage, paper, pastel, 123 x 223 cm.

> Bruce Nauman, Good Boy, Bad Boy, 1985. Installation, dvd, digital betacam, 2 monitors, 2 players, 01:00:00, 00:52:00.

> Maria Nordman, For a new City 1987, 1986. Drawing, acryl, pencil, ink, paper, 745 x 110 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, Hotelkamer [Hotel Room], 1986. Artist Novel, oil, canvas, 50 x 60 cm.

> Lili Dujourie, The Kiss, 1986. Sculpture, wood, textiles, glass, silver, fluid, 432 x 102.5 x 244 cm.

> Hugo Duchateau, De groeiende ladder [The growing ladder], 1987. Sculpture, wood, latex, 190 x 1950 cm.

> Thierry De Cordier, Le Discours Alpin [The Alpine Discourse], 1987. Print, ink, paper, 42 x 25 cm.

> Guillaume Bijl, Mon Chalet [My Chalet], 1987. Installation, mixed media, 310 x 310 x 230 cm.

> Barbara Kruger, We Are Not What We Seem, 1988. Collage, screen print, vinyl, chassis, 276 x 243 cm.

> Donald Judd, 157-166 Untitled, 1988. Print, glass, paper, 10 x (60 x 84 cm).

> Ria Pacquée, Zes foto's van verschillende performances 1982 - 1988 [Six photographs of various performances 1982 - 1988], 1989. Photography, colour photograph, marouflage on canvas, 6 x (40 x 50 cm).

> Cady Noland, Oozewald, 1989. Sculpture, aluminium, nylon, silver cloth, 180 x 90 x 73 cm.

> Jef Geys, Uruguay - Montevideo - Architect unknown, 1991. Object, wood, plexi, 40 x 35.5 x 27 cm.

> Jef Geys, Czechoslovakia - House in Prague - 1985 - Bocân, 1991. Object, wood, plexi, 24 x 35 x 27 cm.

> Guy Mees, Verloren ruimte [Lost space], 1991. Collage, wood, paper, 190 x 92 cm.

> Andrea Fraser, May I Help You?, 1991. Video, dvd, 00:20:00.

> Narcisse Tordoir, Personnage [Character], 1991. Sculpture, mirrors, panels, silkscreen, acrylic, 8 x (40 x 40 cm), 2 x (50 x 185 cm).

> Koka Ramishvili, War from My Window, 1991-1992. Installation, b/w photo, 12 x (30 x 40 cm).

> Guy Mees, Plint [Plinth], 1992. Photography, paper, 130.6 x 91.2 cm.

> Hermann Pitz, Duplex Rehearsal, 1992. Installation, light box, 125 x 10 x 62 cm.

> Andrea Fraser, Posters for Antwerpen '93 (from the series ‘On taking on a normal situation’), 1993. Poster, ink, paper.

> Mark Manders, Fragment uit zelfportret als gebouw [Fragment from self-portrait as a building], 1993. Installation, yton, foil, steel, variable dimensions.

> Douglas Gordon, Self-Portrait (Kissing with Scopolamine), 1994. Photography, dia projection, variable.

> Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, De Oogst [The Harvest], 1994. Collage, paper, 210.5 x 152 cm.

> Jan Vercruysse, Labyrinth & Pleasure Garden, 1994-2001. Print, ink, paper (rivoli), 12 x (66 x 49 cm).

> Mark Manders, Fragment uit zelfportret als gebouw (bundel van vergissingen) [Fragment from self-portrait as a building (bundle of mistakes)], 1994. Installation, mixed media, 102 x 21 x 28 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, Ijzertoren [Yser Tower], 1995. Film, oil, canvas, 115.5 x 75.5 cm.

> Luc Tuymans, Vlaams dorp [Flemish village], 1995. Artist Novel, oil, canvas, 110.5 x 144.5 cm.

> Mark Dion, The Corridor of Extinction, 1995. Installation, mixed media.

> Alfredo Jaar, Real Pictures/Emmanuel, 1995. Installation, ink, paper, 127 x 29.2 x 22.8 cm.

> Róza El-Hassan, Lichtmahl [Light Meal], 1996. Installation, lamps, fruit, Variable.

> Marlene Dumas, Slight Delight, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.

> David Claerbout, Ruurlo, Bocurloscheweg (1910), 1997. Installation, dvd, projector, 300 x 400 cm.

> Bernard Frize, Ouverture [Overture], 1998. Painting, acrylic, canvas, resin, 185 x 232.5 cm.

> Ilya & Emilia Kabakov , In the Closet, 1998. Installation, drawings, wood, pictures, lamp, clothes, 190 x 60 x 60 cm.

> Berlinde De Bruyckere, Spreken [To Speak], 1999. Installation, metal, wood, blankets, polyester, polyurethane, 200 x 140 x 80 cm.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, My Father's Room, 2000. Film, oil, canvas, 62.3 x 79.3 cm.

> Yang Fudong, Tonight Moon, 2000. Installation, projector, monitors, 00:10:00.

> Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков, Fighters without Rules / Бійці без правил, 2000. Photography, photo on aluminium, 6 x (90 x 60 cm).

> Cameron Jamie, Drawings, Maps and Composite Actions: Goat Legend, 2001-2003. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.

> Andrea Fraser, Official Welcome, 2001-2003. Video, dvd, 00:30:00.

> Koen van den Broek, Orange Border, 2001. Painting, oil, canvas, 165 x 110 cm.

> Hamlet Hovsepian, Earth, 2001. Video, dvd, 00:00:11 min, 00:00:21 min, 00:00 min.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, Untitled (Gwangju-set), 2002. Drawing, paper, ink.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, Sea Mines II, 2002. Painting, oil, canvas, 32.2 x 30 cm.

> Wilhelm Sasnal, Sea Mines I, 2002. Film, oil, canvas, 40.5 x 40 cm.

> Rebecca Horn, Speciale Editie Films [Special Edition Films], 2003. Series, dvd, c-print, box: 40 x 30 cm.

> Ana Torfs, Toast, 2003. Photography, framed silver gelatin print, mounted on aluminium, 82,5 x 123 cm, framed silver gelatin print, mounted on aluminium, 82.5 x 123 cm.

> Vaast Colson, Kalpetran, 2003. Photography, lambda colorprint, aluminium, 97 x 69 cm.

> Sergey Bratkov / Сергій Братков, Pilots and stewardesses, 2003. Photography, photo on aluminium, 7 x (40 x 30 cm).

> Office Baroque: Maquette van architect Tom Luyckx, 2004. Miscellaneum.

> Honoré δ'O, Herkisting [Re-Casing], 2004. Installation.

> Rita McBride, Mini Manager, 2004. Sculpture, white painted titanium.

> Franz West, Uncle-Chair, 2005. Installation, metal, plexi, 87 x 51 x 45 cm.

> Steven Shearer, Drag, 2005. Painting, oil, canvas, 86.4 x 66 cm.

> Hans Op de Beeck, Merry Go Round, 2005. Print, lambda print, 89 x 59 cm.

> Gulnara Kasmalieva & Muratbek Djumaliev , Trans-Siberian Amazons, 2005. Installation, 150 chinese bags, dvd, 3 monitors, speakers, 3 dvd players, paper, carton, 00:02:03 min, 150 x (80 x 60 x 30 cm).

> Vaast Colson, To retitle an object daily during the course of a show , 2006-2013. Object, H 95 cm.

> Franz West, Hain [Grove], 2006. Object, metal, perspex, tl-lamp, 295 x 130 x 95 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Touchline, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 100 x 102 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Baseline, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas, 100 x 102 cm.

> Charif Benhelima, Black Cherry Season, 2006. Photography, cibachroom, aluminium, plexiglas , 50 X 52 cm.

> Ana Torfs, Vérité Exposée, 2006. Photography, 24 xerox prints, mounted behind acrylic glass (diasec), each 80 x 116 cm, variable dimensions.

> Vaast Colson, Helena Sculpture, 2006. Installation, mixed media, 3 x (100 x 185 x 212 cm).

> Maria Thereza Alves, Jimmie Durham, Grünewald, 2006. Video, 00:13:55.

> Manon de Boer, Presto. Perfect Sound, 2006. Video, dvd, ink, paper, 28 x 27 x 8 cm, 00:05:10.

> Guy Rombouts, Leegte is vorm [Emptiness is form], 2007. Installation.

> Imogen Stidworthy, I Hate, 2007. Installation.

> Jan Van Imschoot, Ladyboy - Curleyman I, 2007. Painting, 190 x 170 x 3 cm.

> Craigie Horsfield, Above the Bay of Naples from Via Partenope, Naples, September 2008, 2008-2010. Photography, tapestry, 400 x 2600 cm.

> Sheela Gowda, Down Under, 2009. Sculpture, textile, 184 x 125 x 8 cm.

> Goshka Macuga, On the Nature of the Beast , 2009. Textile, jacquard, 290 x 560 cm.

> Koen van den Broek, Madonna, 2010. Film, oil on canvas, 93.5 x 85.5 cm .

> Allan Sekula, Dockers' Museum, 2010. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.

> Ivan Kožarić, I'm Feeling Like the Belly of a Lion That Has Eaten Too Much, 2011. Sculpture, metal, canvas, variable dimensions.

> Kati Heck, Neue Freunde (Hot Hot Spatzi) [New Friends (Hot Hot Birdie)], 2011. Painting, photo, ink, oil, baryte paper, 2 x (126 x 86 cm), 1 x (196 x 136 cm).

> David Claerbout, Untitled (Communist Girl), 2012. Drawing, paper, watercolour , 46 x 61 cm.

> David Claerbout, Nasty Girl (Christmas Wishes), 2012. Drawing, paper, watercolour , 46 x 61 cm.

> David Claerbout, Untitled (Meditation without Feet), 2012. Drawing, paper, ink , 47,5 x 36 cm.

> Antoni Muntadas, Waarschuwing: Kijken verlangt engagement [Warning: Perception requires involvement], 2012. Print, sticker, variable.

> The Collection as a Character, 2013. Book, ink, paper, 42.7 x 30.5 cm, 291 p., language : English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789072828477.

> Luc Tuymans, Flag. Painting.