>Imogen Stidworthy, Sacha (Listening), 2011-12 HD video
>Eva Donckers, Amberes, 2019
> Alain Robbe-Grillet, Trans-Europ-Express, 1966. Film, feature film, 01:45:00.
> David Lamelas, Antwerp, 4:30 P.M., 1969. Photography, colour photograph, matte print, 80 x 100 cm.
> David Lamelas, Antwerp, 1:48 P.M., 1969. Photography, colour photograph, matte print, 80 x 100 cm.
> David Lamelas, Antwerp, 11:42 A.M., 1969. Photography, colour photograph, matte print, 80 x 100 cm.
> George Smits, Thalamus, 1970. Print, zeefdruk affiche.
> Sophie Podolski, Le pays ou tout est permis, 1972. Book, book, 18 x 12 cm.
> George Smits, Luc Deleu, 2 spiegels Skipper, 1973. Installation, 2 mirrors, 60 x 50 cm.
> George Smits, Boek met proefdrukken en kleurstudies voor café De Schipper, 1973. Poetry, cardboard, paper, silkscreen, 67 x 51 cm.
> Nicolás Uriburu, Project Coloration Bonaparte Dock Antwerp, 1974. Intervention, dia positives.
> Sophie Podolski, Luna-Park 2 Graphies, 1976. Book, book, 24 x 18 cm.
> Gordon Matta-Clark, Office Baroque, 1977. Print, paper, 89 x 62 cm/ 91,5 x 64,5 cm.
> Danny Devos, Une Jeune Fille Victime toute une Nuit de Deux Monstres, 1980. Mixed Media, magazine, 2 polaroid pictures, 56 x 44 cm.
> Hugo Roelandt, Bezetting Groendalstraat (Occupation Groendalstraat), 1981. Video, 2 monitors, 00:15:49.
> Luc Tuymans, Prague, Refribell, Harbours, Waterloo, Nautilus, 1981-1982. Print, gelatin silver prints, super-8 film, 21 x 29,5 cm.
> Stephen Willats, Contrasts in Form and Meaning, 1990-1991. Mixed Media, photographic prints, acrylic paint, letraset text on card, 97 x 60 cm.
> Luc Deleu, Antwerp, your next cruise stop ! , 1990. Object, pencil, indian ink, polyester film.
> Luc Deleu, Antwerp, your next cruise stop ! , 1990. Maquette, plastic, wood, 151 x 280 x 280 cm.
> Stephen Willats, Concrete Window, 1991. Photography, photographic prints, photographic dye, acrylic paint, letraset text on paper and card, 121 x 74.5 cm.
> Laurie Parsons, Without title, 1993. Mixed Media, binder, 30 x 21 cm.
> Andrea Fraser, Posters for Antwerpen '93 (from the series ‘On taking on a normal situation’), 1993. Poster, ink, paper.
> Danny Devos, Wurger van de Linkeroever / Volksgazet, 1994. Mixed Media, 59 ingelijste microfilmafdrukken; sommige zijn overschilderd., elk 44.5 x 32.1 cm.
> Danny Devos, Wurger van de Linkeroever / Gazet van Antwerpen, 1994. Mixed Media, 41 ingelijste microfilmafdrukken in kader; sommige zijn overschilderd., elk 44.5 x 32.1 cm.
> Jimmie Durham, Resurrection, 1995. Multiple, tv set, flagstones, variable dimensions.
> Marlene Dumas, Slight Delight, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
> Marlene Dumas, Sailor's Dream, 1996. Drawing, watercolour, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
> Marlene Dumas, Mis-Cast, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
> Marlene Dumas, Indian Summer, 1996. Drawing, aquarelle, paper, 125 x 70 cm.
> Marlene Dumas, Blind Joy, 1996. Drawing, aquarel on paper, 125 x 70 cm.
> Romain Slocomb, Le Poulpe: Saké des brumes, 2002. Book.
> Roberto Bolaño, Amberes, 2002. Book.
> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, A Dash of Dolls (Anatomie d'une Destrucivité Humaine), 2002. Series, ink and colour pencil on paper, 40 x (17 x 19.5 cm).
> Ruth Sacks, False Friends, 2010. Book, book.
> Allan Sekula, The Forgotten Space, 2010. Film, dcp, digibeta, dv cam, colour / black & white, 113 min.
> Imogen Stidworthy, Scan, 2011. Video, 3d laser-scan transferred to hd video, 4:27 mins. loop, b/w, silent, projected onto black molton cloth on wooden screen, 270 x 152 x 85 cm.
> Imogen Stidworthy, Sacha, 2011. Installation, hd video projection with 3-channel soundtrack, 3:10 mins. loop, b/w, russian and flemish spoken with russian-english transcript. projection on acoustically transparent cloth on wooden screen, 310 x 240 x 85 cm.
> Stephen Willats, Just between people, street scenario’s Antwerp, 2013. Installation, 6 monitors, wooden frame, 115 x 47 x 155 cm.
> Adrien Tirtiaux, A tort ou horizon, 2013-2019. Mixed Media, indian ink and black paint, plasticised cardboard, variable dimensions.
> Katrin Kamrau, SPEKTRUM*objekt18(portrait), 2014. Installation, 59 lambda c-prints, variable dimensions.
> Mathieu Verhaeghe, Feestvarken, 2015-2019. Installation, iberico ham, bunting, variable dimensions.
> Katrin Kamrau, SPEKTRUM*objekt18(portrait) II, 2015. Installation, 43 lambda c-prints, variable dimensions.
> Mathieu Verhaeghe, Sausage Series, 2016-2020. Installation, paint, pork intestine, rope, variable dimensions.
> Chantal Peñalosa, Amberes, 2016. Video, hd video, 00:11:46.
> Ria Pacquée, I didn’t do it, 2016. Installation, graffiti, variable dimensions.
> Roberto Bolaño, Antwerpen, 2019. Book, ink, paper, 17.1 x 11.1 cm, 86 p., language : Duch, publisher : M HKA, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789072828637.
> AMBERES - Roberto Bolaño's Antwerpen (tentoonstellingscatalogus) / Roberto Bolaño's Antwerp (exhibition catalogue), 2019. Book, ink, paper, 17.1 x 11 cm, language : Dutch, English, publisher : M HKA Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, ISBN : 9789072828644.
> Eva Donckers, Amberes, 2019. Photography, variable dimensions.
> Mathieu Verhaeghe, Rack, 2019. Installation, iron, rope, small pork intestine, house pain, 300 x 150 x 280 cm.
> Alain Ayers, The Distance Between Here & Now, 2019. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
> Rinus Van de Velde, Given only one life, …, 2019. Drawing, charcoal, canvas, 240 x 400 cm.
> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, A Dash of Dolls, 2019. Print, digital print on forex, 123.5 x 500 cm.
> Paul Hendrikse, Quiet Signs, 2019. Installation, clay, cast concrete, wood, metal, paint, water, 360 x 240 cm, 180 x 180 cm.
> Bart Prinsen, Convergentiepunt (Point of Convergence), 2019. Installation, iron metal rod, 900 x 1000 cm.
> Laure Prouvost, This piece of WORK was exchanged on St Jan place after digging long and deep tunnels, 2019. Article, bread, wooden board, paint, 21,5 x 26 cm.
> The Dockers' Museum. Installation.