> Pieter Engels, Herstelde Stoel [Reconstructed Chair], 1964. Sculpture, 84 x 45 x 44 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box N°1, 1968. Object, wood (beech), lock, labels, 1 stone, 11 x 11 x 11 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box n°4 and 5, 1968-1981. Object, paper, ceramics, 9.5 x 16.5 x 11 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box n°3, 1969. Object, wooden box, labels, 6 x 12 x 2,9 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Boîte optimiste n°2 - Vive Le Mariage, 1969. Object, wooden box, labels, picture, 9 x 12 x 2.5 cm.
> Luc Deleu, Le PAQUEBOT "FRANCE". Voorstel tot recycling van de SS "France" door ombouw tot ideeëntransportschip na de installatie aldaar van de Europa Medium Universiteit, 1970. Print, ink, laminated paper, 116 x 111 cm.
> Guy Mees, Water te Water [Water to Water], 1970. Video, dvd, 00:03:13.
> Lawrence Weiner, A City Shored, 1970. Installation, adhesive letters, 20.8 x 140.3 cm.
> Lawrence Weiner, A City Dragged, 1970. Installation, adhesive letters, 20.8 x 140.3 cm.
> Chantal Akerman, La Chambre [The Room], 1972-2012. Series, 16 mm film transferred to dvd, colour, 00:11:00.
> Nicolás Uriburu, Project Coloration Bonaparte Dock Antwerp, 1974. Intervention, dia positives.
> James Lee Byars, The Perfect Philosophy, 1975. Object, gold.
> James Lee Byars, TH FI TO IN PH, 1975. Object, wooden toothpick, 5.6 x 0.2 cm.
> Luc Deleu, SATURNUS V. Voorstel de bestaande raketten te gebruiken om (nucleair) afval naar de zon te schieten [Proposal to Use Existing Rockets for Shooting (Nuclear) Refuse to the Sun], 1975. Print, ink, paper, 115 x 98.5 cm.
> James Lee Byars, The Intellectual Murderer Shoes, 1975. Installation, fabric, shoes, 23 x 33 x 13 cm.
> James Lee Byars, Extra Terrestrial (Shadow of an Extraterrestrial Man), 1976. Photography, ink, paper.
> Lili Dujourie, Stilleven [Still Life], 1976. Collage, collage on paper, 4 x ( 390 X 300 mm).
> James Lee Byars, Letter to Flor Bex (The Giant), 1976. Letter, inkt op gouden papier, 158 x 177 cm.
> Luc Deleu, MONTREAL STADIUM (MODEL) Voorstel voor naakte Olympische spelen,1976 te Montreal [Proposal for Naked Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976], 1976. Print, ink, paper, 114.5 x 99 cm.
> James Lee Byars, The Shadow of an Extraterrestrial Man/The Antwerp Giant, 1976. Installation, black tulle, 17 x 245 m.
> René Heyvaert, Untitled, 1977-1978. Drawing, paper, 34.6 x 24.5 cm.
> René Heyvaert, Untitled, 1978-1979. Other, paper, 14.3 x 10.6 cm.
> Michelangelo Pistoletto, Divisione e moltiplicazine dello specchio [Division and Multiplication of the Mirror], 1978. Sculpture, wood, goldpaint, mirror, 2 x (100 x 45 cm).
> Dan Flavin, Untitled (to the real Dan Hill) 1b, 1978. Sculpture, neon, 244 x 12 x 22 cm.
> Leo Copers, Gouden strop en stoel [Golden Noose and Chair], 1979. Sculpture, rope, velvet, gilding, 40 x 89 x 206 cm.
> René Heyvaert, Zonder titel (Broodkruis) [Untitled (Bread Cross)], 1981. Sculpture, bread, wood, 118 x 118 x 4 cm.
> Fabrice Hyber, Barrage [Dam], 1986. Painting, oil, canvas, 24 x 41 cm.
> Jimmie Durham, A Dead Deer, 1986. Sculpture, skull, bone, wood, paint, string, plastic, 120 x 72 x 14.4 cm.
> Wolfgang Laib, Blütenstaub von Haselnuss (Hazel Pollen), 1987. Installation, pollen, 220 x 240 cm.
> Guillaume Bijl, Mon Chalet [My Chalet], 1987. Installation, mixed media, 310 x 310 x 230 cm.
> Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Luipaard [Leopard], 1991. Installation, cardboard, showcase, leopard skin, wood, 150 x 146 x 186 cm.
> Hermann Pitz, Duplex Rehearsal, 1992. Installation, light box, 125 x 10 x 62 cm.
> Hermann Pitz, Fridericianum erstes Obergeschoss [Fredericianum, First Floor], 1992-1994. Sculpture, wood, resin, linoleum, 150 x 80 x 400 cm.
> Juan Muñoz, Conversation Piece with a Stick, 1994. Sculpture, brass, 158 x 90 cm.
> Honoré δ'O, You may use my picture, 1995-2001. Video, 01:02:02.
> Raoul De Keyser, Penetrant, 1995. Painting, oil, canvas, 180 x 120 cm.
> Gert Robijns, Speedy Take It Easy, 1998. Installation, dvd, paper, screen, variable dimensions.
> Loreta Visic, Washuis [Laundry House], 2000. Installation, iron, clothing, washing line, 420 x 350 x 500 cm.
> Hans Op de Beeck, Exercising Nowheres 2, 2000. Installation, mdf, primer paint, 2k-spray paint, plexi, metal, maquette 1: 39,5 x 129 x 86,5 cm; pedestal 1: 126,5 x 129 x 80,5 cm; maquette 2: 90 x 150 x 180 cm; pedestal 2: 101,5 x 150x 180 cm; whole work: 193 x 281,5 x 180 cm.
> Franz West, Uncle-Chair, 2005. Installation, metal, plexi, 87 x 51 x 45 cm.
> Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mar Rosso - Sedie Love Difference [Red Sea – Love Difference Chairs], 2005. Installation, 4 x (78 x 46 cm).
> Ivan Kožarić, Pronađena skulptura [Found sculpture], 2009. Installation, wood, variable dimensions.
> Jimmie Durham, Tower, 2009. Sculpture, wood, glass, 210 x 90 x 90 cm.
> François Curlet, Chanter l'enfer [To Sing Hell], 2010. Installation, wood, drapery, perspex, metal, aluminium, 120 x 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 33 x 7 cm, 5 x 5 x 5 cm.
> Luc Deleu, Geen jets te Deurne... Orbanisch idee voor Antwerpen. Print, ink, paper, 1180 x 1080 mm.