> Robert Filliou, L' Immortelle mort du monde, 1960-1967. Multiple, print on cardboard, 72.5 x 55.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Poï Poï Bottles, 1961-1970. Multiple, wooden case, two beer bottles labelled ‘poï poï’ in positive and negative, ruler, roll of paper, elastic bands, 28.5 × 27.5 × 10.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 3 Poems, 1961-1971. Mixed Media, collage; ink, wire and other materials on plywood, 218 x 148 x 5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Eternal Network, 1961-1973. Mixed Media, paper labels on chipboard, 11.9 x 110 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Une bouteille de vin rêvant d' être une bouteille de lait, 1961. Mixed Media, 83 x 62 x 13 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Four-Dimensional Space-Time Continuum, 1962. Multiple, ink, paper, 30.6 x 20.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Un poète: 22 choses mal faites ou perdues (parmis tant d'autres) de haut, 1962. Mixed Media, mixed media on cardboard, 42 x 180 x 13 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Danse-poème collectif (à performer par deux, chacun(e) tournant une roue), 1962. Mixed Media, replica with 2 metal wheels, Ø 64 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Faim = Fin de la faim, 1962. Photography, pastel, glued papers and fabric on canvas with eyelets, 106 × 268.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 3 × 13, 1963. Mixed Media, wooden panel, cardboard, plastic numbers, 14.9 × 10.9 × 2.4 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Joachim Pfeufer, Le (ou la) Poïpoïdrome à espace-temps Réel, prototype 00, 1963-1975. Sculpture, 4.9 x 17.3 x 17.3 cm .
> Daniel Spoerri, Robert Filliou, Ne pas avoir les yeux dans la poche, 1964-1969. Mixed Media, wooden box with lid, photograph, plastic, mounted on painted wood, 45.5 × 50 × 12 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Daniel Spoerri, La Carte n'est pas le territoire, 1964. Mixed Media, metal mailbox, plastic, 25.7 x 18.2 x 5.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Solitude, 1964-1974. Print, ink, paper, lithography, 760 x 485 mm.
> Jean-Pierre Walfard, George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Non-école de Villefranche, 1965. Mixed Media, letterhead, print on paper, 26.9 × 21 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Ample Food for Stupid Thought, 1965. Multiple, 96 postcards in wooden box, 12.8 × 17.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Je disais à Marianne, 1965. Mixed Media, postcards, 28.2 x 28.2 x 3.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Emmett Williams, The Pink-Spaghetti Handshake, 1965. Drawing, gouache, paper, 27 x 21 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Exposition intuitive, 1966. Installation, 10 photographic enlargements of telegrams, on wooden stretchers, 65 × 92 cm.
> Emmett Williams, Robert Filliou, 8 Measurement Poems, 1966. Mixed Media, 8 wooden sticks of different length with various objects, 191 × 7.5 × 3.5 cm; 180.5 × 5 × 8 cm; 182 × 6 × 3 cm; 181 × 4.5 × 3.5 cm; 175 × 4.5 × 4.5 cm; 92 × 4.5 × 8 cm; 77.5 × 6 × 5.5 cm; 79.5 × 5 × 6.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Fluxdust, 1966. Multiple, plastic box with dust , 12 × 9.4 × 1 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Fluxhair, 1967. Multiple, plastic box with human hair, 12 × 9.3 × 1 cm.
> George Brecht, Robert Filliou, La Cédille qui sourit : offerings inattendus, 1967. Poster, ink, paper, 74 × 33 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Filliou Sampler, 1967. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 14 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Dieter Roth, Dick Higgins, George Brecht, Steve Mc Caffery , B.P. Nichol , 14 chansons et 1 charade / 14 songs and 1 riddle / 14 chansons und 1 rätsel, 1967. Book, ink, paper, 16 x 12 cm, 154 p..
> Robert Filliou, George Brecht, Games at the Cedilla or the Cedilla Takes Off , 1967. Book, ink, paper, 20.5 x 14 x 2 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Daniel Spoerri, Roland Topor, Monsters are inoffensive, Fluxus Postcards, 1967. Multiple, ink, cardboard, 10.8 x 16 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Hand Show, 1967. Print.
> Robert Filliou, The Upside-Down World, 1968. Mixed Media, cardboard, paper, 33 × 25.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Galerie Légitime – Place de l’Étoile; Île de la Cité, 1968. Mixed Media, photographs and ink on cardboard, 60 × 42 cm × 1.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Galerie Légitime – Place de la Concorde, 1968. Mixed Media, photograph and ink on cardboard, 46 × 37 × 1.5 cm.
> George Brecht, Robert Filliou, Banqueroute, 1968. Article, poster , 49.8 × 32.2 cm.
> Robert Filliou, La Joconde est dans les escaliers, 1968. Mixed Media, cardboard, oil, pastel, string, bucket, broom, floor cloth, 32.8 x 10.9 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Built-In versus Built-Upon, 1968-1978. Mixed Media.
> Robert Filliou, Galerie Légitime, 1968-1970. Mixed Media, plexiglas translucent green, stamped and signed, white velvet, 48 x 68 x 58 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Principe d' equivalence, 1968. Mixed Media, wood, iron, felted wool, 200 x 1000 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Galerie Légitime, 1968-2003. Poster, ink, paper, 63.8 x 47.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box N°1, 1968. Object, wood (beech), lock, labels, 1 stone, 11 x 11 x 11 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Emmett Williams, Poème collectif, 1968. Book, ink, paper, 13.5 x 11 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box n°4 and 5, 1968-1981. Object, paper, ceramics, 9.5 x 16.5 x 11 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Spontaneity Is Fed by Non-Competence, 1969-1970. Mixed Media, wooden panel, pain boxes, letters, 55.7 × 57.3 cm.
> George Brecht, Robert Filliou, La Cédille qui sourit, 1969. Multiple, enlarged matchbox containing real matchbox, 16.3 × 20.6 × 2 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Ladder (You Can Climb), 1969. Mixed Media, wooden ladder, paper, plastic, metal plaque, 235 × 68 cm.
> Robert Filliou, For Duchamp, 1969. Mixed Media, wood, pencil, bicycle fork, 149 x 79 x 91 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Création Permanente, 1969. Mixed Media, wood, playing cards, b/w photograph, 79 x 53 x 2 cm.
> Werkzeugkreutz, 1969. Mixed Media, tools, 110 x 50 x 12 cm.
> Robert Filliou, La cédille qui sourit, 1969. Mixed Media, paint, wood, 27 x 70 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Projet de toilettes pour le Musée de Mönchengladbach, 1969. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions .
> Robert Filliou, Petite histoire un peu sainte, 1969. Book, ink, cardboard, Ø 6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Optimistic Box n°3, 1969. Object, wooden box, labels, 6 x 12 x 2,9 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Boîte optimiste n°2 - Vive Le Mariage, 1969. Object, wooden box, labels, picture, 9 x 12 x 2.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Mind, 1969. Print, ink, paper, 43 x 59 x 3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Joker, 1969. Print, paper, omslag: 23.7 x 32.7 cm, speelkaart: 11.7 x 17.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Le petit li(b)vre blanc, 1970-1979. Book, ink, paper, 14 × 9.5 × 1.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, À la lisière, 1970-1979. Mixed Media, acrylic on transparent plastic paint box, 9 × 15 × 3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Dieu, 1970. Mixed Media, mirror, diameter 14.3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, COMMEMOR, 1970. Poster, ink, paper, 83.7 × 59.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Territoire n°0 de la République Geniale – 25 looking for 26, 1970. Mixed Media, music stand, rope, wood, photography, collage, metal, 118 x 40 x 35 cm.
> Robert Filliou, République Géniale. Research on Filmmaking, 1970. Mixed Media, wood, metal sheer, 46 x 45.5 x 13 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 3 Weapons. Territory of the Genial Republic. Research on Filmmaking, 1970. Mixed Media, wood, brass knuckles, paper, 45.5 x 45.5 x 13 cm.
> Robert Filliou, It would give me joy to give joy, 1970. Mixed Media, 7 drawings mounted on a metal stand, 140 x 93 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Research on Filmmaking, 1970. Mixed Media, mixed media, 65 x 71 x 9 cm.
> Robert Filliou, COMMEMOR, 1970-2003. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard, 70 x 100 x 1.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, September 23 to October 6 Calendar, 1970. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, L'être humain est multiple, 1970. Mixed Media, pastel, cardboard, 35.4 x 28 x 4.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Research in Child Language (aïe!), 1970-1971. Mixed Media, ink, gouache, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, The last time I felt sad, 1970. Mixed Media, mixed media on cardboard, 67.2 x 94.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 7 Childlike Uses of Warlike Material, 1970. Installation, wood, metal, broken glass, found objects, tools, clothing, 182 x 400 x 92 cm.
> Robert Filliou, I Hate Work Which Is Not Play, 1970. Mixed Media, felt pen on wood, 58 x 76 x 5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, That Spiritual Need, 1971. Mixed Media, ink, paper, wood.
> Robert Filliou, Territory No.0 of the Genial Republic: 9 Weeks of Research on Futurology, 1971. Multiple, 2 cassettes with 8 photographs, 17 × 24 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Joint Work with R. Filliou and a Child, 1971. Mixed Media, 28.5 x 27.5 x 11.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Recherche sur la faim, 1971-1972. Mixed Media, cardboard, 52 x 66 x 8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Joint Work with Time, 1971. Mixed Media, cardboard, nails, wood, 44 x 44 x 13 cm..
> Robert Filliou, Territory n°0 of the Genial Republique: 9 weeks Research of Futurology, 1971. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
> Robert Filliou, L'origine du mot foule - impression, 1971. Mixed Media, ink, paper (etching), 56.5 x 81 cm.
> Robert Filliou, L'origine du mot foule, 1971. Mixed Media, dry point on copper, 30 x 30 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A selection from 1000 basic Japanese Poems/ein Sublimat aus 1000 Gedichte japanisch, 1971. Book, ink, paper, 21 x 13 cm, 80 p..
> Robert Filliou, Project for skywriting, planche n°6 (Love=UFO), 1971. Print, ink, paper, 96.5 x 69 x 4.5 cm.
> Emmett Williams, Robert Filliou, Daniel Spoerri, Spaghetti Sandwich, 1971. Multiple, ink, cotton napkin, 37 x 37 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 7 Childlike Uses of Warlike Material, 1971. Print, ink, paper, 7 x (49.5 x 69.5 cm).
> Robert Filliou, Portrait pas fait : Joseph Beuys, 1972. Drawing, ink, pencil and felt pen on canvas, 55 × 38 × 2 cm.
> George Brecht, Robert Filliou, AA Revue No.46, 1972. Periodical, ink, paper, 22 × 28 cm.
> Robert Filliou, The Paper Brain for 103 Days, 1972. Mixed Media, cardboard box, b/w photograph, paper, 46 x 66.5 x 7.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, That Spiritual Need, 1972. Mixed Media, wood, nails, screws, b/w photograph, tabor, bank card, wood, 55.5 x 68.5 x 7 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Research in Dynamics and Comperlative Statistics, 1972-1973. Mixed Media, wood, ink, paper, 32 x 49.6 x 12.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, The Frozen Exhibition, 1972. Mixed Media, felt stamped on cardboard, 20.5 x 31.5 x 0.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Portrait of the Artist Jenny, 1972. Mixed Media, cardboard box, photographs, ink , 36 x 43 x 3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Hommage to the Düsseldorf Film Group, 1972. Mixed Media, wood, mirror, ink, paper, 21.8 x 30 x 21 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Concept Not Conceived, 1972. Mixed Media, ink, wax, various materials, 70 x 50 x 3.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Territoire légitime de la République Géniale, 1972. Mixed Media, cardboard, paper, photographs, ink, felt, 25.5 x 46 x 5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Jackpot, 1972. Mixed Media.
> Robert Filliou, Research in Progress, 1972-1973. Mixed Media, felt, ink and soft lead pencil on paper glued onto brown paper, mounted on wood with hooks, 16 x 160 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Portrait pas fait: pour le 3e oeil, 1972. Mixed Media, collage, canvas, 60 x 60 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Research in Arts and Astrology (Virgo), 1972. Print, ink, paper, 69.1 x 43 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Telepathische Musik Nr. 2 , 1973. Mixed Media, print on paper, on rusty music stand, 30.3 × 21.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 1.000.010. Geburtstag der Kunst, 1973. Assemblage, mixed media, 83.7 × 59.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 4644cm3 de territoir extéreur de la République genial avec message intèrieur, 1973. Mixed Media, cardboard box, two photographs, ink , 46 x 37 x 3.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Not So Empty Box With String, 1973. Mixed Media.
> Robert Filliou, A Joint Work of RF and Suns, 1973. Mixed Media, pastel, cardboard, 67.2 x 43 x 10 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Research in Child Language, 1973. Mixed Media, object, ink, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, And Life Begins Right Away (je suis libre d' être libre), 1973. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, Input/Output Analysis, 1973. Mixed Media, b/w photo, canvas.
> Robert Filliou, Man Carrying His Own Sun on a String, 1973. Mixed Media, cardboard box, photograph and pastel, 50.5 x 73 x 9.5 cm, 45 x 33.5 x 5.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Work as Play, Art as a Thought, 1973. Assemblage, ink, paper, wood, 28 x 196 x 2 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Information Box, 1973. Multiple, ectachrome, paper, cardboard, 33 x 25.5 x 7.4 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Grace à Fourier, 1974. Mixed Media, cardboard box, b/w photograph, paper, 34 x 55 x 5.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, The Kingdom of Arts is Inside You, 1974. Mixed Media, felt pen on anathomical plance mounted on wood, 125 x 175 x 6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Recherche sur l'origine, 1974. Mixed Media, oil, pastel on canvas, wood, 280 x 8900 cm.
> Robert Filliou, To be a Pilgrim, 1975. Mixed Media, cardboard, collage (3 original paintings, wax crayon, indian ink), 60 x 80 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Telepathic Sculpture, 1975. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, A Telepathic Sculpture, 1975. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard.
> Robert Filliou, Multiple à exemplaire unique: en l'occuence chaque seconde qui passe, 1975-1978. Mixed Media, ink, paper, cardboard, 14.8 x 21 cm.
> Le Siège des idées, 1976. Sculpture, metal frame of collapsible chair, pastel on cardboard, string, 74 × 40 × 40 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Leeds, 1976. Mixed Media, wood, playcards, 33 x 37 x 6.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Fest - Stuhl, 1976. Mixed Media, camping seat, cardboard, paper, felt pen, piece of ceramic rope, 52 x 50 x 75 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Musique Télépathique N°5, 1976-1978. Installation, 33 music stands, 32 playing cards double sided, 34 small boxes, metal, cardboard, variable dimensions.
> Robert Filliou, Do as you Like, 1976-2003. Print, ink, paper, 10.5 x 14.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Cucumberland - sans voir et sans savoir, 1976. Print, ink, paper, 76 x 56.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Most Curious Invention of the Gaga Yogi, 1976. Multiple, wooden box, nails, plastic box, 7.4 x 10.6 x 8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Poussière de poussière de l’effet Soutine (Le Groom), 1977. Multiple, cardboard box, duster, polaroid, 12.5 × 16.5 × 6.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Poussière de poussière de l’effet Pevsner, 1977. Multiple, cardboard box, duster, polaroid, 12.5 × 16.5 × 6.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Poussière de poussière de l’effet Klee, 1977. Multiple, cardboard box, duster, polaroid, 12.5 × 16.5 × 6.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Futile Box, 1977. Multiple, wooden box, rubber ball, 8 × 7.6 × 7.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Everybody Is Perfect. Including Me? How About a Science of Perfectology?, 1977. Mixed Media, notestand, photo, collage, 118 x 40 x 35 cm.
> Robert Filliou, To be a Pilgrim, 1977. Mixed Media, cardboard, 36 x (14 x 12 x 4 cm).
> Robert Filliou, Eternal Hai Ku, 1977. Mixed Media, canvas, wood, 13 x (17 x 25 cm).
> Robert Filliou, Le siège des idées, 1977. Book, ink, paper, 12.8 x 10.8 x 0.7 cm, 32 p..
> Robert Filliou, Telepathic Music N°7 - The Principle of Equivalence Carried to a Series, 1977-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:16:00.
> Robert Filliou, Porta Filliou, 1977-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:47:00.
> Robert Filliou, Projet de Multiples, 1978. Mixed Media, collage on wood, 111 x 24 cm.
> Robert Filliou, 13 boîtes sans couvercles , 1979. Mixed Media, crayon on paper, mounted on cardboard and panel, 25 × 195 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Poussière de poussière de l’effet Frans Hals (La Bohémienne), 1979. Multiple, cardboard box, duster, polaroid, 12.5 × 16.5 × 6.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Telepathic Music N°: from madness to nomadness, 1979. Mixed Media, color chalk, charcoal on canvas, eyelets, 300 x 271 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Poem a Day, 1979. Mixed Media, fabrics, wood, 88 x 150 cm.
> Robert Filliou, The Speed of Art, 1979. Multiple, ink, paper, 3 x (15 x 21 cm).
> Robert Filliou, Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts Part II - Breakfasting Together, If You Wish, 1979-1997. Video, laserdisc, 00:37:00.
> Robert Filliou, Principles of Poetical Economy, 1980. Mixed Media, soft lead pencil on 22 paper cards, stamp, hooks, string, installation, 95 × 140 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A New Way to Blow Out Matches, 1980. Multiple, wooden box with prnted label, altered spinning top and matchbox, 7.2 × 10.7 × 4.8 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Video jour - video nuit, 1980-1982. Mixed Media.
> Robert Filliou, Video Games, 1980-1982. Mixed Media.
> Robert Filliou, Musical Economy n°1, 1980. Print, ink, paper, 54.5 x 40.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Musique télépathique, 1981. Mixed Media, brick, paper, print, ink pot, feather, 21.7 × 11 × 3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Un Filliou d'il y a long (37) temps JOB, 1981. Mixed Media, mixed media, 22 x 11 x 5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Dieter Roth, Standard-Book/Livre-etalon, 1981. Multiple, paper, leporello, artist book, folded: 4 x 4 cm, unfolded: 4 x 79.6 cm.
> Robert Filliou, L’Héritage de Lascaux , 1983. Article, bricks, cardboard, paper, crayon, electric cord, 250 × 250 × 40 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Modern Video Model, 1983. Installation, brick, glue, metal, rhodoid, plastic, ink, variable dimensions.
> Robert Filliou, Autobiographical, 1983. Mixed Media, wood, bricks, mirror, paper, 78 x 28 x 10.4 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Musical Economy N°2, 1983. Print, graphics, lithography, tracing paper, 5 colors, 21 x 27.8 cm, 54 x 40.7 cm.
> Robert Filliou, A Peace Smile, 1984. Letter, 14.7 × 10.5 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Dear Skywatcher: Art Is What Makes Life More Interesting Than Art, 1984. Multiple, print on paper, envelope, 48 × 32 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Eins. Un. One., 1984. Mixed Media, wood, variable dimensions.
> Robert Filliou, Longs poèmes courts à terminer chez soi, 1984. Multiple, ink, paper, 10 x 15 cm.
> Robert Filliou, O! Le jeu de Vi(d)e, 1984. Multiple, ink, paper, 56 x 42 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Modern Video Model, 1984. Multiple, ink, paper, 48 x 64 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Time in a Nutshell, 1987. Mixed Media, pencil, pen on paper and nutshells, 35 x 25 x 3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Robert Filliou - The Secret of Permanent Creation, 2016. Book, ink, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 200 p., language : English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (M HKA), ISBN : 9789072828569.
> Robert Filliou, Robert Filliou - The Secret of Permanent Creation, 2017. Book, ink, paper, 24 x 19 cm, 320 p., language : English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen/Éditions Lebeer Hossmann, Bruxelles/Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-261-9.
> Robert Filliou, Research on the Origin. Multiple, offset print on blue graph paper, 32 × 10 × 9.3 cm.
> Robert Filliou, Project for Toilets in the New Mönchengladbach Stadtmuseum. Drawing, pencil and felt pen on canvas, 142 × 159 cm.