

Mixed Media, 110 x 50 x 12 cm.
Materials: tools

Collection: Sammlung Feelisch, Remscheid.

The Poïpoïdrome (estimated cost 120,000 dollars) is a 24 m2 building, open to all visitors, and consisting of four main rooms:

1. THE POÏPOÏ: Upon entering this first room, the visitor is confronted with a wheel, 5 m in diameter, ART IS WHAT ARTISTS DO. It will be up to him to inform the machine who he thinks makes art.

2. THE ANTIPOÏPOÏ: Nine steps higher, the visitor comes to THE ROOM OF PROVERBS. Proverbs and colloquialisms are translated in visual terms. It becomes apparent that language, in its very platitudes, contains all the imagination of the world.

Right of the ROOM OF PROVERBS is BRINGING UP TO DATE. There will be one encounter, for instance Shakespeare on a Vespa. Left of it is ASPECTS OF THINGS TO COME, such as the cheese that someone will be eating on the day of the Apocalypse, the stick with which Jesus will chase the Pope from Rome, etc. And also, rising to the ceiling, the POÏPOÏ ROCKET.

3. THE POSTPOÏPOÏ: Again nine steps to climb before arriving in this room, where the Poïpoï spirit is applied to the individualisation of several disciplines, such as:

CHRISTIANITY TODAY: The New Testament is nailed on the wooden cross that is used as a support for all the tools that went into the making of the cross.

Adapted from Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts, pp.193–197


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