I.C.C., Antwerp
14 May 1976
©image: ICC Archive
The extra-terrestrial man (The Black Giant of Antwerp) is a performance by James Lee byars, where a figure, made out of black tule, measuring more than 250 meters was unfolded. Byars was partly inspired by the local legend of Lange Wapper, hence the reference Black Giant of Antwerp. The action took place on the opening night of the Extra Terrestrial exhibition at the I.C.C., in one of the busiest streets of the city. With the help of the attending people The extra-terrestrial man was taken outside and reeled out towards the central station. Afterwards the giant was refolded and put on display at the exhibition.
A remarkable artefact of this action is a letter with instructions for the I.C.C. made by Byars. In order for the I.C.C. to fabricate the enormous tule version, he provided them with a "Letter of instructions" in his typical hand writing, realised on gold foil shaped like a giant. This remarkable object, that goes by the name The Giant is still in the collection of the M HKA.
>'The extra-terrestrial man' on display at the I.C.C. before it was "unfolded" on the Meir.
>The police keep an eye out while 'The extra-terrestrial man' is being unfolded.
>James Lee Byars orchestrating the unfolding of 'The extra-terrestrial man'.
>Visitors help unfold and carry 'The extra-terrestrial man' on the Meir.
>People carrying 'The extra-terrestrial man' back inside.
>'The extra terrestrial man' carried up the stairs of the I.C.C..
>'The extra-terrestrial man' was put back on display in the I.C.C. after the performance on the Meir.
>The "instruction letter" for 'The extra-terrestrial man', also known as 'The Giant'.
>'The extra-terrestrial man/black giant of Antwerp' in full display at the Essen University.
>Letter from I.C.C. director Flor Bex to mayor Craeybeckx and the Antwerp city council, requesting their approval for the 'extra-terrestrial' performance on the Meir.
>Letter from mayor Craeybeckx granting his permission for the 'extra terrestrial' performance. He does emphasize that the pedestrians can not be inconvenienced and that the I.C.C. will be held responsible for possible accidents.
>Copy of a handwritten invitation by James Lee Byars for the Extra-terrestrial performance. The note says: ' A special invitation to the James Lee Byars Extraterrestrial at 8 pm on may 14'
> James Lee Byars.