M HKA, Antwerp
14 August 2015 - 31 January 2016
©photo: M HKA
The M HKA collection is always expanding. With Recent acquisitions, M HKA showcased purchases that help shape our excisting collection. When new work is bought, consideration is given to the avant-garde tradition in Antwerp since the 1960s, the present multipolar world, the importance of the ‘performative’ aspect, and the socially engaged dimension of contemporary art. Also the nature and role which images have today plays a part in this. Important works of both national and African, Asian and North and South American artists have enriched our collection in the past few years.
We also got some key artists from the exhibition to speak via ARTtube, the online video channel of 15 Belgian and Dutch museums. The videos provide insights into the artistic work process of leading artists.
Recent acquisitions gave an overview of the M HKA collection, which is being developed around three main pillars: the image, action and society.
Artists: Victor Alimpiev & Marian Zhunin, Carla Arocha, Pedro Barateiro, Teresa Burga, Olga Chernysheva, Jan Cox, Jan De Cock, Jan De Lauré, Dmitry Gutov, Craigie Horsfield, Nikita Kadan, Jean Katambayi, Maha Maamoun, Taus Makhacheva, Kerry James Marshall, Panamarenko, Imran Quereshi, Ayman Ramadan, Bart Stolle and Narcisse Tordoir in collaboration with Alioune Bâ & Brehima Koné, Rinus Van de Velde, Vanessa van Obberghen, Richard Venlet, Wout Vercammen and Franz West.
>Ayman Ramadan, The Situation Is Fluid, 2011
>Installation view with the work of Wout Vercammen on display, 'Recent Acquisitions' @M HKA, 2015
>Installation view with the work of Richard Venlet on the floor, 'Recent Acquisitions' @M HKA, 2015
>Installation view with the work of Jan De Cock, Wout Vercammen and Franz West, 'Recent Acquisitions' @M HKA, 2015
> Panamarenko, Zwitserse fiets [Swiss Bicycle], 1967. Object, tin, cardboard, linen, 61.5 x 60 x 66 cm .
> Wout Vercammen, Angola, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 200 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Oost West, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Orgasme-strijder, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Big Brother, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Pausmobiel, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Verzetsstrijders en Kolonels 2, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Wout Vercammen, Massa's, 1972-2015. Print, screen print op doek, 200 x 100 cm.
> Jan Cox, Oh! Those Voices, Boston, 1972. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 127 x 159 cm.
> Teresa Burga, Autorretrato. Estructura. Informe, 9.6.1972 [Self-Portrait. Structure. Report, 9.6.1972], 1972. Installation, installatie van foto's, tekeningen, documenten, elektrocardiogram, fonocardiogram, lichtobject en geluid, ongeveer 12 m.
> Jan Cox, Untitled, 1979. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 164 x 204 cm.
> Franz West, Untitled, 1983-1989. Installation, 3 parts: papier maché, (pigmented) gypsum, iron, mesh, painting 80 x 102 x 10 cm, pedestal (96 x 87 x 40 cm) + cone.
> Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Trotation, 1992-2011. Installation.
> Richard Venlet, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1996. Installation, acrylic paint, 414 x 5 cm.
> Kerry James Marshall, Untitled, 1999. Print, colored woodcut on paper, a.p. - out of 4 editions, 220 x 1545,6 cm (12 parts, each 250 x 128,3 cm).
> Victor Alimpiev & Marian Zhunin, Ode, 2001. Video, dvd, 00:34:30 min.
> Maha Maamoun, Cairoscapes, 2003. Photography, series of 7 photos.
> Narcisse Tordoir, Bréhima Kone, L’Africeur de Bogolan, 2004. Installation, bogolan, silkscreen, acrylic, variable dimensions.
> Franz West, Hain [Grove], 2006. Object, metal, perspex, tl-lamp, 295 x 130 x 95 cm.
> Craigie Horsfield, The Arciconfraternity of Santa Monica, Piazza Sant' Antonino, Sorrento. April 2010, 2010. Photography, dry print op archer papier, 95 x 135 cm.
> Bart Stolle, Debris, 2011-2012. Installation, acrylic and wood on mdf, 51.5 x 61 cm.
> Bart Stolle, LFMS 2011 (DUCTUS #1), 2011. Video, animation on lcd screen, 35.5 x 43.0 x 5.5 cm (00:01:58).
> Jan De Cock, Occupying the Museum, 2012. Print, white wooden box white portfolio of 80 prints; colour offset on périgord condat 350gr, 80 x (72 x 102 cm).
> Ayman Ramadan, The Situation Is Fluid, 2012. Print, enamel on metal, 35 x 25.5 cm.
> Dmitry Gutov, Feet II, 2013. Painting, oil on canvas, 30 x 25 cm.
> Taus Makhacheva, Landscape, 2013. Installation, series of wooden objects, carved by kazbek alikhov.
> Taus Makhacheva, Way of an Object, 2013. Sculpture, theatre with three objects-turned-puppets, a kubachi marriage bracelet, a carved wooden saltbox and a painting by russia’s viktor vasnetsov of a prophet bird.
> Olga Chernysheva, Screens, 2013. Installation, 12 flatscreens .
> Imran Qureshi, And They Still Seek The Traces Of Blood..., 2013. Installation, 24.000 printed sheets, crumpled, variable dimensions.
> Pedro Barateiro, Curfew, 2013-2014. Installation, wood, metal net, plaster, terracotta, paint, glass, metal table, 157 x 170 x 120 cm.
> Rinus Van de Velde, It’s as if someone is observing us with a sense of overview we seem to lack, some-one who knows better than us what exactly it is we’re doing here”,, 2013. Drawing, charcoal on paper, 2 parts, 220 x 410 cm.
> Jan De Lauré, Untitled, 2014. Painting, oil on paper, 63.3 x 82.3 cm.
> Carla Arocha, Persiana, 2014. Print, silkscreen in 5 colors on bfk rives 300gr paper, 80 x 120.5 cm.
> Vanessa Van Obberghen, Tracing Cheikh Anta Diop , 2014. Photography, digital print on aluminium foil mounted on dibond, 150 x 100 cm.
> Nikita Kadan / Нікіта Кадан, The Possessed Can Witness in the Court / Одержимий може свідчити в суді, 2015. Installation, metal construction with various objects like lightbox, photograph, plants, coal, a take away leaflet etc., 250 x 240 x 70 cm.
> Taus Makhacheva, Tightrope, 2015. Video, 4k video, colour, sound, 73 min.