> Kati Heck, Hopfen, Malz, Hermann erhalt’s, 2007. Installation, ast, bild, lampion, 187 x 105 x 68 cm.
> Kati Heck, Der Meinungsmacher, 2010. Painting, oil and fiter on canvas, 100 x 130 cm.
> Kati Heck, >>Bälck<<, 2011. Painting, oil on canvas, 180 x 260 cm.
> Kati Heck, Bompa in de oorlog – Opa im Krieg, 2011-2012. Painting, concrete, stainless steel, metal and grenade, oil, crystal, 215 x 79.5 x 120 cm.
> Kati Heck, Babydetektiv, 2011. Painting, watercolor pencil, ecoline, pencil, oil on paper, 71 x 52 cm.
> Kati Heck, Neue Freunde (Hot Hot Spatzi) [New Friends (Hot Hot Birdie)], 2011. Painting, photo, ink, oil, baryte paper, 2 x (126 x 86 cm), 1 x (196 x 136 cm).
> Kati Heck, Babydetektiv mit Sekretärin, 2012. Print, lamdaprint, 129 x 106 cm.
> Kati Heck, Du schon wieder!, 2012. Painting, oil, ink, cupholder, glass water/ wine bottle, letter on canvas, 210 x 210 cm.
> Kati Heck, Sturmtrio Teil Drei, 2012. Painting, oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm.
> Kati Heck, BDC-Mentor mit Bierchen, 2012. Painting, oil on canvas, metal cupholder, papier-maché, beer can, wooden frame, 98,5 x 80,5 x 15 cm.
> Kati Heck, Aus dem Tagebuch eines Babydetektivs (Traum, Alptraum, Krieg, Detektive, Spinner, Tod), 2012. Painting, watercolor, oil and ink on paper, 6 x (29.5 x 42 cm).
> Kati Heck, Check, 2012. Painting, oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm.
> Kati Heck, Babydetektivclubmanifest, 2012. Drawing, letraset letters and ink on glued paper, 1300 x 795 mm.
> Kati Heck, Tier mit Bier, 2012. Drawing, ecoline and ink on paper, 850 x 620 mm.
> Kati Heck, Zum Teufel, Positionen!, 2012. Painting, oil on canvas, 120 x 120 cm.
> Kati Heck, Der herrliche Selbstbetrug, 2012. Painting, oil, pencil on canvas, 230 x 145 cm.
> Kati Heck, Tresen, 2013. Installation, metal, wood, 4 bar chairs, 115 x 420 x 68 cm.
> Im nu, 2013. Painting, watercolour, gouache, pencil, newspaper, 68 x 49 cm.
> Kati Heck, Babydetektivbüro, 2013. Installation, mixed media , 230 x 200 x 200 cm.
> Kati Heck, Piece, 2013. Sculpture, metal, wood, papier-mâché , 215 x 80 x 120 cm .
> Kati Heck, The Band, 2013. Installation, mixed media, 3 x (170 x 160 x 100 cm) 3 x (50 x 150 x 150 cm) .
> Kati Heck, Indiz (O Buni), 2013. Painting, oil on canvas, wood, artist frame, 128 x 122 cm.
> Kati Heck, Danke, das wär dann alles, 2013. Painting, oil and charcoal on canvas , 210 x 280 cm.
> Kati Heck, Frau Heck, jetzt mal in Ernst, 2013. Painting, oil and charcoal on canvas, 130 x 100 cm.
> Kati Heck, Muse kommt flöten... (saftiger Freund Pegasus), 2013. Painting, oil on canvas, 260 x 400 cm.
> Kati Heck, O Wir, 2014. Painting, oil, pencil on stitched canvas, 64 x 50.5 cm.
> Kati Heck, O Leon, 2014. Painting, oil , collage, crayon on stitched canvas, 160 x 160 cm.
> Kati Heck, O Rik, 2014. Painting, oil, acrylic, ink, pencil, papier-maché on canvas, 105 x 83 x 18 cm.
> Kati Heck, O Tina, 2014. Painting, oil on canvas, 104 x 104 x 20 cm.
> Kati Heck, Mass?, 2014. Painting, ink, gouache, watercolour, letterset letters on paper, artist frame, 78.5 x 62 cm .
> Kati Heck, Futterbewegungszwiespalt, 2014. Painting, ink, collage, gouache, oilstick, pencil on paper, artist frame, 54 x 37 cm .
> Kati Heck, Zu Befehl, 2014. Painting, ink, gouache, watercolour, pencil, letterset letters on paper, artist frame, 54 x 37 cm .
> Kati Heck, O Romain, 2014. Painting, oil, pencil on canvas, 104.5 x 81.5 x 10 cm.
> Kati Heck, Classic I, 2014. Painting, oil on canvas , 180 x 230 cm.
> Kati Heck, Gipfeltreff auf der Schamkette, 2014. Article, ink, watercolour, letterset letters on paper, 54 x 37 cm .
> Kati Heck, Keine Antwort unter dieser Nummer, 2014. Mixed Media, ink, pencil, watercolour, letterset letters on paper, 54 x 37 cm .
> Kati Heck, Fuge eins, 2015. Painting, oil on stitched canvas, 206 x 304 cm.
> Kati Heck, Fig. 5 – Pfuiti Bergauf, 2015. Painting, cater color pencil, ecoline, gouache, pencil, newspaper, collage on stitched paper, artist frame, 86.5 x 98 cm .
> Chefsache töterötö, 2016. Painting, oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm.
> Kati Heck, Holy Hauruck - Der Maler und ihre Muse, 2016. Installation, isomo, stof, metaal, hout, plasticrete, tv, plastic, lamp, stro, haar, hazelnootschnaps, variable dimensions.