> Pieter Engels, Herstelde Stoel [Reconstructed Chair], 1964. Sculpture, 84 x 45 x 44 cm.
> Alain Arias-Misson, Vietnam Public Poem, Brussels, 1967, 1967-2011. Mixed Media, 36 x 70.5 x 2.5 cm.
> Alain Arias-Misson, The G D Public Poem, Brussels, 1968, 1968-2011. Mixed Media, 2 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
> Alain Arias-Misson, Poemx, the Baptismal Public Poem, Knokke, 1970, 1970-2011. Mixed Media, 2 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
> Alain Arias-Misson, Chomsky Generative Grammar Public Poem, Brussels 1972, 1972-2011. Mixed Media, 3 x ( 32 x 110 cm ).
> Lili Dujourie, Amerikaans Imperialisme [American Imperialism], 1972. Installation.
> Leo Copers, Vliegende messen [Flying Knives], 1974. Installation, butcher knifes, motor, fishing line, metal, Variable dimensions.
> Danny Matthys, Vivre d'Abord [To Live, Above All], 1979. Photography, photo, paper, 71 x 129 cm, 115 x 135 cm, 74.5 x 122.5 cm.
> Leo Copers, Tafeltje, 1979. Sculpture, wood, silk, metal, 90.5 x 30 cm.
> Guillaume Bijl, Autorijschool Z [Car - driving school Z], 1979-1989. Installation, mixed media, 260 x 535 x 1024 cm.
> Leo Copers, Onzichtbare kogel. Kogel in kristal. Kogel in bergkristal [Invisible Bullet. Bullet in Crystal. Bullet in Mountain Crystal], 1980. Sculpture.
> Leo Copers, Lichtend tafeltje [Lightning Table], 1983. Sculpture, wood, mirror, cable, cotton, lamps, 90,5 x 29 cm.
> Didier Vermeiren, Untitled, 1985. Sculpture, iron, 167 x 81 x 88 cm.
> Guillaume Bijl, 235 Belangrijke en Minder Belangrijke Foto's van de 2de helft van de 20e Eeuw. [235 Important and Less Important Photos from the 2nd half of the 20th Century.], 1986-1995. Installation, photo, paper, 235 x ( 26 x 19 cm).
> Marthe Wéry, Untitled, 1989. Mixed Media, acrylic, canvas, mdf, 153 x 386 cm.
> Cady Noland, Oozewald, 1989. Sculpture, aluminium, nylon, silver cloth, 180 x 90 x 73 cm.
> Didier Vermeiren, Untitled, 1992. Sculpture, iron, plaster, 165 x 81 x 89 cm.
> Hermann Pitz, Fridericianum erstes Obergeschoss [Fredericianum, First Floor], 1992-1994. Sculpture, wood, resin, linoleum, 150 x 80 x 400 cm.
> Ettore Spalletti, Stanza, Giallo Oro [Room, Yellow Gold], 1994. Painting, wood, pigment, 3 x ( 200 x 200 cm ).
> Elly Strik, Portrait of myself, 1998. Painting, paper, oil, lacquer, 300 x 205 cm.
> Bernard Frize, Ouverture [Overture], 1998. Painting, acrylic, canvas, resin, 185 x 232.5 cm.
> Dirk Braeckman, R.P.- B.X. - 00, 2000. Photography, silver gelatine print, aluminium, 120 x 180 cm.
> Dirk Braeckman, M.F.- G.D.- 99, 2000. Photography, silver gelatine print, aluminium, 120 x 180 cm.
> Luc Tuymans, The Rumour, 2002-2003. Installation, ink, paper, plexi, wood, 91.56 x 516 x 6.5 cm.
> Gert Robijns, Untitled (replica Frize), 2003. Photography, photo, aluminium, 185 x 237 cm.
> Gert Robijns, Untitled (replica Spalletti), 2003. Painting, mdf, paint, 200 x 600 cm.
> Gert Robijns, Untitled (replica Pitz), 2003. Installation, mdf, plaster, 150 x 80 x 400 cm.
> Emily Wardill, The Diamond, 2008. Film, 16 mm film, 00:10:00.
> Emily Wardill, Game Keepers Without Game, 2009. Film, 00:72:00.