Unknown, "Antwerp Europe's Fastest Ship Port" Advert (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 20), 1955. Print, ink, paper, 207 x 305 mm.
Gerard Gaudaen, Ex-libris print of baby being deliverd on the docks (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 9), 1980. Print, ink, paper, 22 x 10,7 cm.
Ceramic Dockworker Bookends (Quimper) and Faux-Books Dia-Positive File Boxes (Germany) (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 44). Object, faience de quimper, 19,5 x 17,7 x 10,7 cm and 22,7 x 21,5 x 5,6 cm.
Unknown, Loading Coffee, Santos (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 30). Print, ink, paper, 8,8 x 13,8 cm.