Nautical Fog Horn (Manufactured Japan, Salvaged Alang, India) (The Dockers' Museum, object nr. 39A)

Object, 69 x 28 x 23 cm.

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. DM23_A).

Nautical Foghorn (Manufactured Japan, Salvaged Alang, India) with Wooden Storage Box [title given by Allan Sekula], produced by Tokyo Siren Co., LTD, aluminum, 1981, 69 x 28 x 23 cm. Purchased by Allan Sekula, inside of its containing box, through eBay on 6 September 2010. [TDM 39 a-b]

Foghorn from a Japanese ship that can be heard for 1.5 miles. Sold on E-Bay for $349 by someone in India, probably connected to a shipbreaker. Described by Sekula as a 'Tatlin-esque loudspeaker constructivist "box with the sound of its own making."' and as 'of course it is a perfect object to be displayed inside the museum'.

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