° 1964
Vit à Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), né à Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Ernesto Neto, Em cima da hora, in the top of the hour (Saturday Sunday Monday), 2011. Installation.
07 October 2011 - 22 January 2012.L’exposition A Rua (La Rue) a présenté l’œuvre d’une vingtaine d’artistes brésiliens dont la vie et l’œuvre sont fortement liés à la ville Ri
Ernesto Neto at M HKA, October 2011
Ernesto Neto's "Célula Nave" being built at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam [video]
Interview with Ernesto Neto during a retrospective in Oslo, Norway [video]
Ernesto Neto's ode to the coconut water [video] [in Portuguese]