Video, 00:06:00.
©videostill: Hans Theys, 2004
Collection: Hans Theys Archive / Archief Hans Theys.
Vaast colson during the preparation of the show 'The Paintings Martin Couldn't paint anymore', which resulted in 'The Helena Sculpture', now part of the collection of M HKA.
Filmed by Hans Theys.
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> Vaast Colson.
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> Ensemble: VIDEO.
>Vaast Colson, Helena Sculpture, 2006.Installation, mixed media, 3 x (100 x 185 x 212 cm).
>Hans Theys, Vaast Colson - Helena (Part II) [video], 2004.Video, 00:06:33.
>Hans Theys, Vaast Colson - Helena (Part III) [video], 2004.Video, 00:09:35.