Mixed Media, 33 x 37 x 6.6 cm.
Collection: Foundation Walter & Maria Schnepel, Baté (Hungary).
Excerpt of the conversation between Robert Filliou (RF) and Irmeline Lebeer (IL), Flayosc, France, August 1976.
RF: ‘Games.’ I’ve conceived many games. I already talk about that in Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts. I’ve already found tens of games to illustrate the Bible, for instance, which Joe Pfeufer’s father asked me to do. The latest one to be published is Leeds. Maybe, because there’s so much stuff, we could make a reference to Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts, ‘Doing It Ourselves’, and then maybe, under ‘Games’, have a picture of Leeds or something like that.
RF: If they were published. Maybe a few were actually published. I don’t remember, really. What’s sure is that they were never released for the market they were intended for: children. Children have never been able to use them. Even the Leeds game was released in just 100 copies. Most of them remained unique titles and some have been lost.
Add to your list> Robert Filliou.
> Exhibition: Robert Filliou – The Secret of Permanent Creation. M HKA, Antwerpen, 13 October 2016 - 22 January 2017.