Jef Lambrecht
Epreuve, 10 x 15 cm. Materials: paper, ink (printing)
Collection: M HKA, Antwerpen - Schenking Samarkand, 2019.
Invitation for the Washing of the Belgian national flag on the national holiday 21 July - in a public laundromat on the Drink in Borgerhout,
Invitation (back) for the Washing of the Belgian national flag on the national holiday 21 July - in a public laundromat on the Drink in Borge
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
Founded by Karel Schoetens and Jef Lambrecht in 1982, broken up & re-launched 1986 and disbanded in 1992.
La majeure partie de l’héritage artistique de Jef Lambrecht provient de son propre studio, légué à sa propre organisation caritative à but no
Préface pour la plate-forme digitale Jef Lambrecht - Il s'agit d'une page de titre provisoire pour le portail numérique Jef Lambrecht - de