In Dialogue with Fire / В диалоге с огнем
Video, 11 min 23 sec .
Collection: Şağylys collection, developed by Tselinny Center of Contemporary Culture and M HKA (Inv. no. S0731).
The fire element and its ambivalent nature — terrifying and mesmerising at the same time — is a recurring motif in Akhmedyarov’s work. The artist’s fascination with the flame has its roots in his early memories, formed in the tense atmosphere of the Cold War and its imagery of the deadly nuclear blaze. However, instead of representing the destructive energy, in this work fire becomes a creative force, gradually revealing the monumental portraits of historical figures outlined in the burning straw. These figures include Nobel Peace Prize laureates and politicians who once helped to stop the further spreading of the flames of war. Thus, the motif of fire can also be interpreted as the inner fervour of activists fighting against the abuse of power. Providing a birds-eye view of historical figures and events, In Dialogue with Fire encourages critical reflection on the ambiguity of the human condition and the intrinsic creation-destruction dynamics of our existence.