Video, 00:44:00.
©image: Syb'l S Pictures
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp.
In 1977 Matta-Clark transformed an office block in Antwerp into Office Baroque. In the first draft, his idea was to only work on the façade, by removing an arch-shaped wedge from the bottom corner to the top of the facade. This would make the building transparent and passers-by would be able to look right through it. The city council refused him permission, however. He made a second draft which was limited to the interior of the building. Two overlapping circles through all the floors formed a bizarre pattern of view-holes and spatial figures. Minor variations in the cut-outs evoked a lively effect.
Camera: Cherica Convents.
Assistant: Dirk Geens.
Audio: Roger Steglaerts.
Montage: Roger Steylaerts, Eric Convents.
Music: Andre Stordeur "syntheses."
Realisation: Cherica Convents.
Producer: E.C.F., Roger Steylaerts.
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> Gordon Matta-Clark.
> Exhibition: Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitectuur [Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitecture]. M HKA, Antwerp, 05 October 2012 - 20 January 2013.
> Exhibition: A NON-U-MENTAL HISTORY OF M HKA – Part 1: Foundation Gordon Matta-Clark. M HKA, Antwerp, 02 May 2021 - 29 August 2021.
> Exhibition: Gordon Matta-Clark — Museum in Motion. M HKA, Antwerp, 23 August 2022 - 30 April 2023.
> Ensemble: Film & Videos of and with Gordon Matta-Clark.
> Ensemble: NUCLEUS.
No image
> Ensemble: Office Baroque.
> Ensemble: Office Baroque.
>Gordon Matta-Clark, Office Baroque, 1977.Print, paper, 89 x 62 cm/ 91,5 x 64,5 cm.
>Gordon Matta-Clark, Office Baroque, 1977.Intervention.