Video, 8’52”.
©Yarema Malashchuk and Roman Khimei - photo: Sergey Illin
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp / Collection Flemish Community (Inv. no. BK009565).
The Wanderer by Khimei and Malashchuk refers to a classical piece of Ukrainian contemporary art If I were a German by Fast Reaction Group, which was created in Kharkiv in 1994. In this photo series, artists and their friends re-enact German soldiers during the occupation of Kharkiv during World War II. Khimei and Malaschuk repeat the gesture and re-enact Russian occupiers during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
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> Yarema Malashchuk and Roman Khimei / Ярема Малащук та Роман Хімей.
Roman Himei and Yarema Malashchuk, both born in Kolomyia, are an artist duo based in Kyiv. They obtained their degrees in cinematography at
> Exhibition: When Faith Moves Mountains. PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv, 17 July 2022 - 09 October 2022.
> Exhibition: Worth Fighting For. Oskar Jager Strasse 97-99, Keulen, 14 November 2022 - 14 December 2022.
> Ensemble: Worth Fighting For.
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> Ensemble: A Historical Landscape of War.
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> Ensemble: In Solidarity with Ukraine.