Video, 17’.
Photo provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2020. Photographed by Maksym Bilousov
Live Stream refers to the topic of constructing reality and actualizes the question of the meaning of an image in the contemporary visual age. A group of men dressed in military attire, which resembles the uniform of the Red Army, perform a dance after a long preparation. Their choreography is disrupted by random people who cross the corridor where the action takes place. Focusing the attention on the reactions of the passers-by, the artists emphasize the rupture between present reality and the dance of the Red Army soldiers that looks almost prehistoric. The corridor thus operates as a transgression zone, where history encounters the present, reality encounters fiction, and image encounters matter. Such a transition situation makes us question the way in which we assess the moving image today, its function and its relation with reality.
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> Yarema Malashchuk and Roman Khimei / Ярема Малащук та Роман Хімей.
Roman Himei and Yarema Malashchuk, both born in Kolomyia, are an artist duo based in Kyiv. They obtained their degrees in cinematography at
> Exhibition: Imagine Ukraine. M HKA, Antwerp, 06 May 2022 - 28 August 2022.
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> Ensemble: IMAGINE UKRAINE - Exhibitions.
> Ensemble: Уяви Україну – Мистецтво як критичне ставлення / Imagine Ukraine – Art as a Critical Attitude.