Mail Art, A3/ 42x30 cm A6.
Collection: M HKA, Antwerpen - Schenking Samarkand, 2019.
Series of Lanterne de Lantins (No. 32) sent to his own address: either for own organizations (Saint Nicholas Chapter, Peter Minuit Foundation, pseudo's Gina £ire or friends who's address he probably did not have at hand: Dominique Grégoire, Tony Morgan...
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> Jef Lambrecht.
Journalist, essayist, painter, performer, conceptual artist and lots more, Jef Lambrecht is known to a wider public mainly as a radio presenter and thr
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Dominique Grégoire .
Artist, photographer, graphic designer, broadcaster and music specialist - one of the founding members of Radio Centraal, ran one of the earliest computer-gr
> Ensemble: La Lanterne de Lantin.
> Ensemble: La Lanterne de Lantin.
>Jef Lambrecht, Back from paradise -LdL, 1989.Poster, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.
>Jef Lambrecht, LdL Zending Mongolië .Mail Art, paper, ink (printing) pen, A3, var A6.
>Jef Lambrecht, LdL Twee per twee /Eigen adres.Mail Art, paper, ink (printing) pen, A3/ 42x30 cm A6 var.