Leaflet, 17,8 x 24,9 x 0,5 cm.
scan: © M HKA
The United States Pavilion was focused on American culture rather than industrial achievements of the country. The exposition was built around different aspects of the 'American way of life', including voting machines that underscored the American system of free elections, a colour television studio, a fashion show, and a selection of artworks from indigenous art to the modern. The US exhibition was generally well received by European visitors and press. However, while the USSR was awarded the Gold medal for the Socialist Realist painting Mother of a Partisan (1943-50) by Sergey Gerasimov, American abstract art was not widely praised by visitors to the Expo. Another source of controversy was related to the so-called Unfinished Business Pavilion, an appendix of the main exhibition dedicated to domestic problems within the US. It was conceived in anticipation of strong negative Soviet propaganda about the USA during the Expo, although this did not largely materialise. This part of the US exposition became a victim of self-censorship due to heavy pressure from some Southern members of Congress. Closed, and then reopened three weeks later, the initial installation underwent some changes. For example, a photo of mixed race children playing was accompanied with a controversial disclaimer stating that the image did not represent US policy but rather the individual freedom of choice available in the US.
Add to your list> Exhibition: MONOCULTURE | A Recent History. M HKA, Antwerpen, 25 September 2020 - 25 April 2021.