Video, 00:13:00.
Collection: Courtesy Marie-Puck Broodthaers.
"Before, I perhaps played with the premonition of death. But now this performance was the preparation for my own death, practice for my own death. The golden room showed that death as a last consequence brings about the perfection of the external." - James Lee Byars
"I hope that people will experience my way of practicing my own death as something useful for themselves" - James Lee Byars, 1994
(From: JLB, Recources)
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> Exhibition: James Lee Byars: The Perfect Kiss. M HKA, Antwerpen, 05 October 2018 - 20 January 2019.
> Ensemble: Chapter 6: Perfect Death, 1974–1997, Brussels-Amsterdam-Antwerp-Cologne-Caïro / Hoofdstuk 6: Perfecte dood / Chapitre 6: Mort parfaite.