Autre, 110 x 48 cm, 2.5 x 2,5 cm.
©image: M HKA
Collection: Collectie Nicole Daled-Verstraeten.
"Here Joseph’s the new great Documenta / Invitation to “The 5 Continent Documenta 7 / I hope you’ll participate / Let’s do it / by artists / one of sev. / for each / continent / I want China You / ? Lov. Ans. / please B. / How’s your heart? I kno. You’re much better on / the phone with / me than by / letter I’ll be / in Antwerp / soon maybe / I can visit / you for a brief / hour sometime / in late Jan. in / Du. Hope you / are fine Love B."
From: Letters to Joseph Beuys
Ajouter à votre liste> James Lee Byars.
> Exposition: James Lee Byars: The Perfect Kiss. M HKA, Antwerpen, 05 October 2018 - 20 January 2019.
> Ensemble: Chapter 5: Beuys and Goethe, 1969–1986, Düsseldorf-Kassel-Berlin / Hoofdstuk 5: Beuys en Goethe / Chapitre 5: Beuys et Goethe.