White Cube with Blue and Red Neon

Stephen Antonakos


Installation, 93.98 x 91.40 x 91.40 cm.

Collection: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens - Donated by Naomi Antonakos.

Antonakos starts to use neon from the beginning of the 1960s – a material which thereafter takes on a protagonistic role in his oeuvre. The work White Cube with Blue and Red Neon (1982) is one of the first to signal a change in the way the artist uses this particular material, seeing as for the first time, the neon tubes are placed in such a way that they are not visible. The ambient light, like a halo or an aura around the silhouette of the object, imparts a spiritual quality to the work.  

The way the work is placed in the space, plus the relationship between the work and the viewer is of primary importance, as is the case for most of Antonakos’ work.


Eleni Ganiti, EMST



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