Photography, 18 x 24 cm (30 x 323 cm (framed)).
Materials: 12 zwart-wit foto's op hoogglanzend barietpapier
Collection: Courtesy Philippe Van Snick & Tatjana Pieters.
Philippe Van Snick is fascinated by numbers and binary logic. In several works he explores the changing relationships between dots. That way, he arrives at a geometric artistic language.
For the work Lavabo (sink) Van Snick uses his ten-dot system. He drips ink drops into a water-filled sink.
Here, Van Snick explores the scientific concept of entropy, i.e. a measure for the disorder or degeneration in a system. The ink droplets expand into the otherwise still water.
Entropy is also linked to the passage of time and the experience thereof. Van Snick seeks to summarise this in his series. The viewer is thus invited to experience the event's process itself.