Performance, 00:34:00.
©Angelos bvba, Collection M HKA
Milwaukee, Helfaer Theatre
During this performance the artist will undergo several metamorphoses. He steps in the outlines of a man, drawn on the stage with shaving cream. As he plays with different transformations he frequently stops to study his new image in the mirror.
'Did my performance 'After Art' today.
Lots of students and philosophers came to watch.
Reactions were very positive.
It's just that the sentences
'It sounds very interesting' and 'It looks fantastic'
are starting to drive me mad.'
(Jan Fabre, Milwaukee, 24 October 1980)
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>Photograph / video still with Jan Fabre performing 'After Art', 1980
>Click here to watch a short clip from the performance 'After Art' (1980).
> Jan Fabre.
> Exhibition: Jan Fabre – Stigmata, Actions & Performances 1976-2013. M HKA, Antwerpen, 24 April 2015 - 26 July 2015.
> Ensemble: Money en de kunstwereld [Money and the art world].
>Jan Fabre, After Art (Series), 1980.Drawing, bic ballpoint pen on paper, 14 x 21 cm.