Installation, 460 x 700 x 150 cm.
©image: Mathieu Bertola, Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg
Collection: Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris.
This installation is one of the most recent of numerous works by Yang incorporating venetian blinds, which are perhaps the works she has become most renowned for. The use of the venetian blind, offering experience of obscured vision, has a significant presence in Yang’s practice. She has on occasion discussed the idea of ‘communities of absence’ – communities of people that exist outside of the dominant thrust of society, often living out of sight – which the blinds allegorically serve to address. Blind Curtain – Flesh behind Tricolore has a distinctive ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ in terms of its composition as well as colour, staging a scenario of “organic and skin-coloured inside” and “geometric and primary coloured outside” within the existing architecture. (NH)
Add to your list> HAEGUE YANG .
Haegue Yang, een van de meest productieve en invloedrijke kunstenaars van haar generatie, vertegenwoordigt de paradigmaverschuiving die heeft plaatsgevonden
> Exhibition: Don't You Know Who I Am? – Art After Identity Politics. M HKA, Antwerp, 13 June 2014 - 14 September 2014.