Video, 00:07:45.
©image: Nástio Mosquito
Collection: Courtesy of the artist.
The video 3 Continents presents Mosquito delivering three consecutive speeches addressing the three continents of the title, each time with a homespun map of each place attached to a wall in the background. The delivery of the speeches are through an adopted persona that possesses a sort of confident naivety, pronouncing that he has “bought Europe” or “bought the US of A”, and then ending somewhat comically by giving up prematurely on the last speech, saying dismissively “fuck Africa”. The work offers a surreal reversal of the hegemonic gaze and its lingering imperialistic legacy towards the non-western world, in a way that is darkly ironic, funny and playfully confounding. (NH)
Add to your list> NASTIO MOSQUITO.
> Exhibition: Don't You Know Who I Am? – Art After Identity Politics. M HKA, Antwerp, 13 June 2014 - 14 September 2014.