> Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Kunstmatig Landschap - maquette van ruimte en tijd [Artificial landscape], 1968. Sculpture, styropor covered with coloured felt (attached with pins), 150 x 200 x 20 cm.
> Lili Dujourie, Effen spiegel van een stille stroom, 1976. Video, 00:13:43.
> Leo Copers, Tafeltje, 1979. Sculpture, wood, silk, metal, 90.5 x 30 cm.
> Leo Copers, Lichtend tafeltje [Lightning Table], 1983. Sculpture, wood, mirror, cable, cotton, lamps, 90,5 x 29 cm.
> Thierry De Cordier, Hoofdbreker [Head-Breaker], 1988. Sculpture, wood, paint, 42 x 33 x 73 cm.
> Ria Pacquée, The girl who was never asked to marry, 1988. Installation, leather, paper, silk, 90 x 80 x 100 cm.
> Goele De Bruyn, Zonder titel (regenjasjes) [Untitled (raincoats)], 1993. Installation, plastic trash bags.
> Job Koelewijn, Vaarwel Spakenburg [Goodbye Spakenburg], 1994. Installation.
> Berlinde De Bruyckere, Zonder titel (2), 1994. Drawing, cardboard, gouache, aquarel, 440 x 280 mm.
> Loreta Visic, Washuis [Laundry House], 2000. Installation, iron, clothing, washing line, 420 x 350 x 500 cm.
> Narcisse Tordoir, Bréhima Kone, L’Africeur de Bogolan, 2004. Installation, bogolan, silkscreen, acrylic, variable dimensions.
> Daniel Knorr, The Antwerp Six or Seven, 2008. Installation, wood, straw, textile, 380 x 200 x 30 cm.
> Jan Fabre, Red Lines Performance. Photography, photo print, 193.5 x 131.5 cm.