Arenbergschouwburg & M HKA, Antwerpen
29 September 2012 - 20 June 2013
Under the umbrella term Visite, the M HKA – in collaboration with LOCUS, the hub for libraries, cultural and community centres and local cultural policy - regularly organised exhibitions outside the museum.
Throughout the 2012-2013 season, Arenberg Theatre in Antwerp showed work of two visiting artists who entered into dialogue with the Arenberg Audience: Ben Vautier and Fabrice Gygi. In collaboration with the students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and Sint Lucas Antwerp, the work that the students created based on the artists’ inspiration was shown in the Upper Foyer of Arenberg.
> Jacques Lizène, Caméra à hauteur des yeux, du sexe, des pieds, 1971. Film, dvd.
> Jacques Lizène, Filmer le bas des murs au cours d'une longue promenade urbaine, 1971. Video, 8 mm film transferred to dvd, without sound., 00:04:53.
> Jacques Lizène, Interruption de lumière, 1971. Video, 8 mm film transferred to dvd , 00:03:39.
> Jacques Lizène, Travelling sur un mur (je ne procréerai pas), 1971. Video, 8 mm film transferred to dvd, 00:02:56.
> Ben, C'est le courage qui compte [It’s courage that counts], 1987. Painting, acrylic, canvas, 130 x 161 cm.
> Ben, Kunst is onbetaalbaar [Art is priceless], 1987. Painting, acrylic, canvas, 60 x 25 cm.
> Ben, Er is geen kultuur zonder avant-garde, 1987. Painting, acrylic, canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
> Ben, Er is geen taal zonder kultuur, 1987. Painting, acrylic, canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
> Ben, Er is geen volk zonder taal, 1987. Painting, acrylic, canvas, 100 x 100 cm.
> Jacques Lizène, Tentative de dressage d'une caméra suivi d'une tentative d'échapper à la surveillance d'une caméra.1971.. Video, portapack transferred to dvd, with sound., 00:02:00.