>Campaign image
>View of the exhibition
>View of the exhibition Marcel Broodthaers
>View of the exhibition Jacques Charlier
>View of the exhibition Marcel Broodthaers, Jacques Charlier, Jef Geys
>View of the exhibition Jef Geys, Jacques Charlier
>View of the exhibition Jacques Lennep
>View of the exhibition Jacques Lizène
>View of the exhibition Lili Dujourie, Jan Vercruysse, Philippe Van Snick, Ria Pacquée
>View of the exhibition Ria Pacquée, Dirk Braeckman
> Marcel Broodthaers, Petite tour avec 31 yeux à 4 étages, 1966. Sculpture, silkscreened paper, plastic jars, plexiglas and steel nuts and bolts, 32.5 x 18 x 18 cm.
> Jacques Charlier, Zonder titel (Paysages professionnels), 1967. Book.
> Marcel Broodthaers, Portrait de Maria Gilissen avec Statif, 1967. Photography, gelatin silver emulsion on canvas and tripod, canvas 101.5 x 83.5 cm, statief 110 x 82 x 62 cm.
> Jef Geys, Zonder titel (Wielrenner), 1969. Photography.
> Jacques Charlier, Paysage artistique (editie 1/10), 1970. Photography.
> Jacques Charlier, Paysage artistique, 1970. Photography, 50 x 65 cm, 50 x 60 cm, 50 x 60 cm, 25 x 50 cm.
> Jacques Charlier, Paysages professionnels, 1970. Photography.
> Jacques Lizène, Contraindre le corps à s’inscrire dans le cadre, 1971. Photography, 7 dia.
> Jacques Lizène, Contraindre le corps à s’inscrire dans le cadre de la photo, 1971. Photography, 30 zwart-wit foto's, 76 x 89 cm.
> Jacques Lizène, Personnage photographié regardant le spectateur d'une photo. Personnage photographié essayant de se dérober au regard d'un spectateur d'une photo, 1971. Photography.
> Jacques Louis Nyst, Publicaties, 1973-1979. Book.
> Philippe Van Snick, Tennis, 1973. Photography, 4 zwart-wit foto's op glanzend barietpapier met lijntekening in alcoholstift, 18 x 24 cm (49 x 61 (framed)).
> Jacques Lizène, Documents rapportés d’un voyage au coeur de la civilization banlieue, 1973, 74 et 75, 1973-1975. Installation, mixed media, variable dimensions.
> Jacques Lizène, 144 tentatives de sourire... mais l'on sait le vécu quotidien de la plupart des individus, Accompagné de 881 tentatives de rire enregistrés sur cassette, tout d'une traite, 1974. Photography, 135 photographies nb, tirage argentique, marouflées sur carton, et cd audio, 9 x 73 x 61 cm .
> Philippe Van Snick, Richtingen, 1974. Photography, 4 zwart-wit foto's op glanzend barietpapier, 8 x 24 cm (58 x 42.5 cm (framed)).
> Jacques Charlier, Photographies de Vernissages, 1974-1975. Book, 12.6 x 17.8 cm.
> Jacques Charlier, Photographies de Vernissages, 1974-1975. Photography.
> Marcel Broodthaers, La Soupe de Daguerre, 1975. Photography, screenprint and 12 photographs, colour, on paper, 54 x 52.5 x 3 cm.
> Jacques Louis Nyst, La maison traversée par l'orage, 1975. Photography, zwart/wit foto, plastic folie, gouache op papier, 50 x 32.5 cm.
> Philippe Van Snick, Lavabo, 1975. Photography, 12 zwart-wit foto's op hoogglanzend barietpapier, 18 x 24 cm (30 x 323 cm (framed)).
> Danny Matthys, Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs, 1975. Photography.
> Danny Matthys, +-0, 1976. Periodical, tijdschrift.
> Danny Matthys, 88 polaroidprints, installatie Meerseniersstraat, 1976. Photography, black-and-white photos, prints of polaroid negatives, 174.5 x 102.5 cm.
> Jacques Lennep, Le Musée de l'Homme: Ezio Bucci, Supporter, 1976-1979. Installation.
> Lili Dujourie, Untitled, 1977. Photography, 18 x 24 cm (x 6).
> Danny Matthys, 032303 + 6 Polaroid Black & White prints, 1977. Photography, black-and-white polaroids, paper, 57.5 x 38.5 cm.
> Liliane Vertessen, Blue Feathers, 1978. Collage, 81 x 61 cm.
> Lili Dujourie, Zonder titel (Blauw naakt), 1980. Mixed Media, diaprojectie.
> Jan Vercruysse, La Feinte [The Sham], 1982. Photography, wood, iron, marbles, 220 x 180 x 130 cm.
> Jef Geys, Boekontwerp - Alle foto's genomen door Jef Geys tot 1984, 1983. Prototype.
> Liliane Vertessen, MM Lola, 1983. Mixed Media, photo, neon, 200 x 280 cm.
> Liliane Vertessen, Taboe, 1983. Mixed Media, 50 x 140 cm.
> Jan Vercruysse, Rosa, Rosa, Rosae, Rosae, Rosam, Rosa / Rota, 1983. Photography.
> Lili Dujourie, Rood naakt, 1983. Photography, 45 x 45 cm.
> Jef Geys, Drie mappen - Alle foto's genomen tot 1 januari 1986, 1986. Article.
> Philippe Van Snick, J. Beuys en M. Broodthaers, 1986. Poster, paper, watercolor, photocopies, 40 x 415 cm.
> Dirk Braeckman, Zelfportret nr. 36, 1990. Photography, gelatin silver print, 54 x 54 cm.
> Dirk Braeckman, Zelfportret nr.35, 1990. Photography, gelatin silver print, 54 x 54 cm.
> Ria Pacquée, Madame Looking for the Right Direction Without Seeing the Beauty of the City, 1991. Photography.
> Ria Pacquée, Have you accepted that whatever seems to be is not, and that that which seems not to be is?, 1991. Photography.
> Dirk Braeckman, E-101-92, 1992. Other, gelatin silver print, 50 x 50 cm.
> Ria Pacquée, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1992. Installation, colour photo, 490 x 690 cm.
> Dirk Braeckman, C.O.-I.S.L.-94, 1994. Photography, gelatin silver print, 80 x 120 cm.
> Jef Geys, Al de zwart-wit foto's tot 1998, 1998. Book, ink, paper, 30.5 cm x 25 cm, 500 p..
> Jef Geys, Al de zwart wit foto's tot 1998 [All Black and White Pictures until 1998], 1998. Photography, photo, 60 x 80 cm.
> Jacques Charlier, TOTAL'S. Periodical, paper.