>Rajkamal Kahlon, Ain’t I a Woman?, 2012, (130x130x20cm)
>Click here to view the opening performance of Marwa Arsianos.
>Click here to view the lecture of Lawrence Abu Hamdan.
> Sanja Iveković.
> Paul De Vree.
> Robert Filliou.
> Anatoly Osmolovsky.
> Kerim Ragimov.
> Luc Tuymans.
> C K Rajan.
> Alice Creischer.
> Dieter Roth.
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> Kerala Radicals.
Anita Dube, C.K. Rajan, K.R. Karunakaran, Alex Mathew, Reghunadhan K., Jyothi Basu, K.P. Krishnakumar
> Alexander Rodchenko.
> Dick Higgins.
Dick Higgins was a poet, printer, composer, artist and critical theorist, described the fusion of the arts as “intermedia,” his term for experime
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> Lawrence Abu Hamdan.
> Filipa César.
> DAAR / Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency.
> Iman Issa.
> Rajkamal Kahlon.
> Maha Maamoun.
Using photography and video, Maha Maamoun explores the gap between the representation and the interpretation of particular events, between underlying politic
> Jumana Manna.
> Mona Vǎtǎmanu & Florin Tudor. Mona Vǎtǎmanu and Florin Tudor’s collaborative practice centres on history and political representation.
> Marwa Arsanios.
> Kianoush Ayari.
> Céline Condorelli.
> Simone Fattal.
> Simohammed Fettaka.
> Karpo Godina.
> Sharon Hayes.
> Adelita Husni-Bey.
> Anton Kannemeyer.
> Kayfa ta and Haytham El-Wardany.
> Runo Lagomarsino.
> Azzedine Meddour.
> Marta Popivoda.
> Edgar Morin & Jean Rouch.
> George Brecht.