> Paul De Vree, The clock of modernity, 1966-2002. Print, ink, canvas, 98 x 98 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Buildings, 1968. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 75 x 80 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Moon, 1970. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 70 x 60 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Mao-flag, 1971. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 80 x 70 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Belf(e)ast, 1971. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 47 x 34 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Revolutie II, 1972. Photography, photo emulsion, canvas, 60 x 70 cm.
> Paul De Vree, Hysteria makes history, 1973. Drawing, photo emulsion, canvas, 95 x 68 cm.