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Jef Lambrecht, Halensee pers fax, 1990. Letter, paper, A4.
Jef Lambrecht, Mijter 2 Halensee, 1990. Object, paper, ink, glue, ca.30 x 20 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Chris Straetling, Litanie images, 1990. Photography, photograph reversal, 10 x 15.
Jef Lambrecht, Triptych Litanie VVG, 1990. Object, carton, paper, ink, glue, ca. 30 x 60 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Petite misère - de la vie humain, 1990. Other, plastic, gold ink, var. 25cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Mijter Paus van Halensee, 1990. Object, paper, ink (printing) and gold paint, 10 x 50 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Paus van Halensee in action. Leaflet, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.