> Stan Douglas, Monodramas, 1991. Video, 00:08:10.
> Gillian Wearing, Dancing in Peckham, 1994. Video, 00:25:00.
> SHILPA GUPTA, Untitled (Eating a part of yourself), 1996. Video.
> Pipilotti Rist, Grossmut begatte mich [Generosity, Mate with Me], 1996. Video, vhs, 00:07:00.
> Nedko Solakov, This Is Me Too..., 1996. Installation, drawing, collage, picture, oil paint, cardboard, picture, textile, video, monitor, plastic, stuffed animal, variable dimensions.
> Johan Grimonprez, dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, 1997. Film, 00:68:00.
> Sergey Kuryokhin & Sergey Sholokhov, Lenin was a Mushroom, 1997. Video, 00:32:00.
> Amar Kanwar, A Season Outside, 1997. Film, 00:30:00.
> David Claerbout, Ruurlo, Bocurloscheweg (1910), 1997. Installation, dvd, projector, 300 x 400 cm.
> Hänzel & Gretzel, Hamletmachine, 1998. Video, col, b/w, 00:20:00.
> Shilpa Gupta, Untitled, 1999. Video.
> Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK, Re-Pain, 1999. Video, computer animation, 00:10:02.
> Artūras Raila , Under the Flag , 1999-2015. Video, 2 channel digital video, color, sound, 00:20:00.
> Aernout Mik, Softer Catwalk in Collapsing Rooms, 1999. Installation.
> Rosângela Rennó, Vera Cruz, 2000. Video, 00:44:00.
> Rosalind Nashashibi, The State of Things, 2000. Film, 16mm film, b&w, sound (optical), 00:03:50.
> Andrea Fraser, Welcome to the Wadsworth, 2001-2003. Video, dvd, 00:25:00.
> Şener Özmen & Erkan Özgen, Road to Tate Modern, 2003. Video, 00:07:13.
> Gianni Motti, Shock and Awe, 2003. Video, 4/3, colour, sound, 00:29:41.