Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
29 June 2007 - 18 November 2007
©Photo: M HKA
>Nedko Solakov installing his work, This is me too...,1996
>Click here to watch a video!
> Bill Woodrow, Bible Blood, 1982. Installation, metal, wood, plastic, 70 x 71 x 100 cm, 22 x 59 x 62.5 cm.
> Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, De Eeuwige Jachtvelden [The Eternal Hunting Grounds], 1990. Installation, 120 x 200 x 280 cm.
> Jimmie Durham, Jesus. Es geht um die Wurst [Jesus. It's about the Sausage], 1992. Sculpture, wood, iron, steel, ink, paper, acrylic, mud, glue, 152 x 40 x 113 cm.
> Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, De Oogst [The Harvest], 1994. Collage, paper, 210.5 x 152 cm.
> Tony Oursler, Behind the image, 1996. Installation, 292 x 350 x 610 cm.