M HKA, Antwerpen
18 January 2020 - 23 August 2020
©Hugo Roelandt - photo: M HKA, 2019
Hugo Roelandt was one of the pioneers of performance art in Belgium in the seventies and eighties. He was an artist's artist with a sharp view of society who operated outside the art market. The M HKA manages Roelandt's archive and makes it accessible to contemporary artists, students, researchers and the general public. In collaboration with Lydia Van Loock and Marc Holthof, M HKA brings together archive and video material, printed matter and objects in this presentation focusing on the 1990s.
> Hugo Roelandt, HISTOIRE D'EAU, 1990. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Variaties van wit, 1992. Installation.
> Hugo Roelandt, Lichtsculptuur / Light Sculpture, 1993. Object, green fluorescent tubes.
> Hugo Roelandt, Self-portrait / Zelfportret, 1993. Photography.
> Hugo Roelandt, CONCORDIA DISCORS, 1994. Mixed Media.
> Hugo Roelandt, Light Sculpture / Lichtsculptuur , 1996. Installation.