>Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel, 1973
>Vue de l'exposition
> Bernd Lohaus, Coudrages, 1965-1967. Drawing.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel, 1967-1968. Sculpture, wood, rope, 280 x 22 x 20 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel , 1971-1972. Installation, oil paint on canvas, 240 x 160 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel , 1971. Painting, oxblood on canvas , 270 x 180 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Anny Ja, 1971. Painting, crayon on canvas, 240 x 160 cm.
> Jef Geys, Michel François, Ulli Lindmayr, Ria Pacquée, Patrick Vanden Eynde, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Bernd Lohaus, Frank F Castelyns, Jef Lambrecht, Von der Wiederholung der Träume zur Realität (cat.), 1991. Book, paper, ink (printing), A5 var..
> Bernd Lohaus, Münster, 1991. Sculpture, different types of wood and print on vinyl, 1250 x 450 x 38 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Crayon on paper, 1992. Other, paper, crayon, paper tape.
> Bernd Lohaus, Large works on paper, third series , 1995-2005. Drawing, graphite, paper, crayon, paper tape, pencil.
> Bernd Lohaus, Ohne Titel. Painting, pigment on canvas, 210 x 420 cm.
> Bernd Lohaus, Vitrine: texts. Other, paper, voice recording of a lecture from 1986.