MUHKA, Antwerpen
30 June 1990 - 04 November 1990
©Photo: Philipe De Gobert
De Verzameling II (La Collection II) était une sélection d'œuvres de la collection permanente du M HKA.
Artistes: Ulay & Marina Abramovic, Guillaume Bijl, Jean Marie Bijtebier, Sjoerd Buisman, Alan Charlton, Marek Chlanda, Patrick Corillon, Richard Deacon, Raoul De Keyser, Braco Dimitrijevic, Marion Duval, Ferran Garcia Sevilla, Albert Hien, Niek Kemps, Wolfgang Laib, David Mach, Thom Puckey, Bernard Queeckers, Rui Sanches, Juliao Sarmento, Jan & Paul Schietekat, Cindy Sherman, Philip Van Isacker, Luk Van Soom, Mark Verstockt, Marthe Wéry.
> Luc Deleu, Le PAQUEBOT "FRANCE". Voorstel tot recycling van de SS "France" door ombouw tot ideeëntransportschip na de installatie aldaar van de Europa Medium Universiteit, 1970. Print, ink, laminated paper, 116 x 111 cm.
> Antoni Muntadas, Emission - Réception, 1973-1974. Installation, slides.
> Leo Copers, Vliegende messen [Flying Knives], 1974. Installation, butcher knifes, motor, fishing line, metal, Variable dimensions.
> Luc Deleu, Project for international Dunghill, 1974. Other, ink, paper, 134 x 100 cm.
> Antoni Muntadas, Sèrie emisió-recepció, 1975. Multiple, paper, 10 cm x 15,4 cm each.
> Luc Deleu, SATURNUS V. Voorstel de bestaande raketten te gebruiken om (nucleair) afval naar de zon te schieten [Proposal to Use Existing Rockets for Shooting (Nuclear) Refuse to the Sun], 1975. Print, ink, paper, 115 x 98.5 cm.
> Antoni Muntadas, N/S/E/O (Antwerp Version), 1976-1978. Installation, flags, crucifix, devil, map., 7 m x 7 m in total.
> Luc Deleu, MONTREAL STADIUM (MODEL) Voorstel voor naakte Olympische spelen,1976 te Montreal [Proposal for Naked Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976], 1976. Print, ink, paper, 114.5 x 99 cm.
> James Lee Byars, The Shadow of an Extraterrestrial Man/The Antwerp Giant, 1976. Installation, black tulle, 17 x 245 m.
> Vito Acconci, Tonight We Escape from New York, 1977. Collage, b/w photo, crayon, paper, plexi on black aluminium, 151 x 118 x 5 cm.
> Guillaume Bijl, 10 kleurenfoto’s van installaties, 1979-1985. Photography, photographs, 31 x 49 cm.
> Guillaume Bijl, Autorijschool Z [Car - driving school Z], 1979-1989. Installation, mixed media, 260 x 535 x 1024 cm.
> Cindy Sherman, Untitled No 120 A, 1983. Photography, photo, paper, 55 x 89 cm.
> Cindy Sherman, Untitled No 121 A, 1983. Photography, photo, paper, 53.5 x 88.2 cm.
> Thom Puckey, Everything I say is not true, 1986. Sculpture, wood, concrete, 151 x 112 x 240 cm.
> Jan & Paul Schietekat, Herinnering aan een reis, 1987. Mixed Media, wood, veneer, plexiglass, glass, primer, metal, 134 x 214 x 50 cm.
> Marek Chlanda, Via Condotti, 1987. Sculpture, wood, cardboard, wax, plaster, 36 x 340 x 32 cm.
> Sjoerd Buisman, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1987. Sculpture, paper mache, cellulose, 92 x 80 x 90 cm.
> Wolfgang Laib, Blütenstaub von Haselnuss (Hazel Pollen), 1987. Installation, pollen, 220 x 240 cm.
> Raoul De Keyser, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1988. Painting, oil on canvas, 6 x (21 x 32.5 cm).
> Guillaume Bijl, Composition Trouvée (Rommelmarkt), 1988. Installation, mixed media, 75 x 220 x 230 cm.
> Guy Rombouts, Monica Droste, Geen dag zonder lijn [No Day Without a Line], 1989. Installation, metal, aluminium, lacquer, 140 x 100 x 1040 cm.
> Braco Dimitrijević, Untitled [Zonder titel], 1989. Photography, dyptich , 86 x 117 cm.
> Marthe Wéry, Untitled, 1989. Mixed Media, acrylic, canvas, mdf, 153 x 386 cm.
> De Verzameling II / La Collection II / The Collection II, 1990. Book, ink, paper, 27.4 x 21 cm, 143 p., language : Dutch, French, English, publisher : Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen.