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Johanna Kandl, Ohne titel (Who's got the big picture), 2006. Painting, tempera, canvas, 258 x 354 cm.
Carla Arocha, Screen, 2006. Installation, plexi, stainless steel, 216.4 x 350 x 150 cm.
Pascale Marthine Tayou, Zonder titel [Untitled], 2007. Object, textile, 92.5 x 146 cm.
Jan Van Imschoot, Ladyboy - Curleyman I, 2007. Painting, 190 x 170 x 3 cm.
PSJM, Corporate Armies, 2008. Video.
Véronique Vercheval, Usine occupée. 46 portraits de travailleurs de Royal Boch, 2009. Photography.
Mira Sanders, Ane(c)dote, 2009. Print, ink, paper.
Sheela Gowda, Down Under, 2009. Sculpture, textile, 184 x 125 x 8 cm.
Miriam Cahn, Nach Diane Arbus, 2012. Other, 180 x 110 cm.
ORLAN, Le petit chevalet montrant le constat complété et le flacon, 2012. Object.
Sasha Pirogova, Biblimlen, 2013. Video, hd video, sound, 00:10:00.
Thierry Verbeke, United Colors, 2014. Other, textile, 225 x 150 cm.
Kendell Geers, Mutus Liber 953, 2014. Sculpture.
Vanessa Van Obberghen, Tracing Cheikh Anta Diop , 2014. Photography, digital print on aluminium foil mounted on dibond, 150 x 100 cm.
Emilio López-Menchero, Drapeau, 2015. Mixed Media.
Marcel Berlanger, La Méduse / l'Autruche, 2015. Print, 2 x (280 x 220 cm).
Taus Makhacheva, Tightrope, 2015. Video, 4k video, colour, sound, 73 min.
Charlotte Beaudry, Réfractaires, 2016. Installation, 345 x 302 cm.
Liliane Vertessen, There Are Snakes Everywhere…, 2017. Mixed Media, textile.
Suchan Kinoshita, Klok, 2017. Object, glas, shampoo.