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Hans Theys, BOOKS & CROOKS #12 - GUY ROMBOUTS AND MONICA DROSTE [video], 1998. Video, 00:08:08.
Hans Theys, Rombouts & Droste, 1998. Book, ink on paper, 64 p.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2000 - Onder de straatstenen het strand (Enfin la lune en couleurs) [NL, interview], 2000. Interview, 2 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts Hanging a Sculpture - 2007 [video], 2007. Video, 00:06:32.
Hans Theys, Bernd Lohaus, Guy Rombouts and Luc Deleu at Tumbleweed - 2007 [video], 2007. Video, 00:14:37.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - Tumbleweed [video], 2007. Video, 00:03:00.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - Part I [video], 2007. Video, 00:09:53.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - Part II [video], 2007. Video, 00:05:18.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - La Bamba [video], 2009. Video, 00:00:39.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - Galerie EL [video], 2013. Video, 00:04:43.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts visits a Bank [video], 2018. Video, 00:04:51.
Hans Theys, Art & Flatnixing #39 - Guy Rombouts [video], 2020. Video, 00:08:45.
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2018 - L’amour est aweugle [FR, interview]. Interview, 4 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2018 - Love is Bling [EN, interview]. Interview, 4 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2011 - Good, Fast and Bright White [EN, interview]. Interview, 11 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2011 - Du blanc rapide, transparent et bon [FR, interview]. Interview, 12 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2018 - Liefde is bling [NL, interview]. Interview, 3 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2000 - D’une ville sans voitures à une auto-école exposée [FR, essay]. Text, 11 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2018 - De kleinst mogelijke omtrek [NL, essay]. Text, 2 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2000 - Van A tot Z: van autovrije stad tot tentoongestelde autorijschool in Ruimte Z [NL, essay]. Text, 11 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 1998 - Cowboys, ridders, circusartiesten en andere buitenaardse wezens [NL, interview]. Interview, 8 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 2011 - Goed, snel en helder wit [NL, interview]. Interview, 11 p..
Hans Theys, Guy Rombouts - 1998 - Cowboys, Knights, Circus Artists and Other Extra Terrestrials [EN, interview]. Interview, 13 p..