©image: János Vető
1948 - 1980
Born in Budapest (Hungary), died in Hungary.
Tibor Hajas (1946–1980, Hungary) explores the limits of the body, life and death in performances often carried out without an audience, for the camera. He will hang upside down, blindfolded or in ropes, submitting himself to beating, whipping or the insertion of syringes. Titles such as 'Flesh Painting', 'Coma', 'Dark Flash' and 'Extinction' indicate the near-death darkness he seeks to create. Hajas also produces objects, films and theoretical texts. For 'Self Fashion Show' (1976), he films passers-by on a square in Budapest and adds a voice-over that manipulates the perception of these people. Hajas dies in a car accident.
>Tibor Hajas, Untitled (Flesh painting Image Whiping, Surface torture, Exercises, Extinction, Blue Overdosed), 1978-1979.Photography.
> Exhibition: EXTRA MUROS: DE INTERNATIONALE - Museum of Affects. 26 November 2011 - 29 January 2012.
> Exhibition: EXTRA MUROS: Spirits of Internationalism. 21 January 2012 - 29 April 2012.
> Exhibition: Museum of Parallel Narratives. In the framework of L’Internationale. 14 May 2011 - 02 October 2011.