©image: M HKA
Lives in Italy, born in Italy.
The collaborative duo Pennacchio Argentato make art based on their considerations of the role of technology and mass media in society today, and the impact it is having in redefining our sense of identity, community and morality. Understanding identity on both collective and subjective levels, their works look to portray the means for harnessing the collective conscience of the public through communication media. Creating environments that incorporate graphically vivid sculptural and video works, they focus on the human subject, simultaneously reflecting on the construction of our virtual selves through today’s communication technologies, where biographies can be temporary, fluid, disparate and multi-faceted. Analysing medium, message and affect, Pennacchio Argentato adopt a position that is neither for nor against such technological advancements, but remaining critically aware. (NH)
>PENNACCHIO ARGENTATO, 22 Ti 1, 2014.Installation, titanium fibers, resin, variable dimensions.
>PENNACCHIO ARGENTATO, Eye vs. Eye, 2014.Installation, variable dimensions.
> Exhibition: Don't You Know Who I Am? – Art After Identity Politics. 13 June 2014 - 14 September 2014.