Often working from the perspective of contemporary design practice, regular collaborators Onkar Kular and Noam Toran have produced a number of research-based experimental projects that consider the relationship of objects to human subjectivity. Through installations and archival-style displays, they examine how our relationship to objects in our daily lives plays an important role in the formation of our memories and our sense of selfhood. They employ a distinct narrative approach that is filmic in style, portraying fictional or semi-fictional characters who develop the capacity for unusual subjectivities and stories told through the inextricable relationships they have with numerous particular artefacts. (NH)
>ONKAR KULAR & NOAM TORAN, I Cling to Virtue, 2010.Installation, ceramic resin, text, variable dimensions.
> Exhibition: Don't You Know Who I Am? – Art After Identity Politics. 13 June 2014 - 14 September 2014.