>Haim Sokol, I Am Spartacus, 2012.Video, hd, 00:02:57.
>Haim Sokol, Arch, 2014.Installation, tin, wood, domestic objects, street lamp, 5.1 x 4.5 x 1.6 m.
>Haim Sokol, Testimony, 2015.Video, hd, 01:59:05.
>Haim Sokol, Conversation with Lenin (Post of an artist-autodidact), 2016.Installation, mixed media.
>Haim Sokol, Scroll, 2018.Installation.
>Haim Sokol, In a Sense, I Become Them and They Become Me, 2019.Installation, fabric, acrilyc paint, variable dimensions.
>Haim Sokol, The Boy and the Bird, 2019.Installation, metal, fabric, floor cloth, faux fur, 3 m.
Sans photo
> Ensemble: 2016.
Sans photo
> Ensemble: 2019.
Sans photo
> Ensemble: Present Continuous V-A-C/M HKA.